25th May to 29th May

Workbook pages, bridge art & poetry sheets are at the bottom of this page. Just right click and select 'open in new tab' to view full image :)


1. Reading

Continue to read and do AR quizzes. Hit for 20 minutes minimum each day.

2. Poetry Week – Study the poem type and create a poem of your own each day.

i) Monday – Auto-Bio Poem

ii) Tuesday – Character Poem

iii) Wednesday – Limerick

iv) Thursday – List Poem

v) Friday – String Poem

*An explanation and example of each type of poem is attached to this email and is also on our class webpage.

3. Word Wise Unit 14

Complete pages 82 + 83

4. Handwriting

Continue doing one page from your handwriting book each day until you finish the book. You can use your cartridge pen if you want.


1. Master Your Maths

Begin a new week doing one each day Mon to Thurs + next Friday test. Answers are available on CJFallon and our class webpage for self correction.

2. Planet Maths

3-D Shapes can be surprisingly tricky so just try your best. Don’t be afraid to look up the names of shapes you do not know.

5th Class 3D Shapes

Mon: P 162

Tues P 163

Weds: P164

Thurs P 165

Fri: P 166

6th Class 3-D Shapes

Mon: P 155

Tues P 156

Weds: P 157

Thurs P 158

Fri: P 159


1. Write out and learn comprehension questions 9 & 10.

2. Sin É 5 Pgs 126, 127 & 128.

3. Sin É 5 Irregular Verbs page 118 – Déan – to make/to do. Learn and complete the activities.



1. Read Small World pages 116 – 120

2. Write down 5-10 interesting facts that you have learned about trade

3. Answer the questions on pages 117 & 120

4. Create a new Fairtrade logo or create an informative poster about Fairtrade.

5. Complete the Kahoot on trade. You have until Friday at 12pm to complete the quiz.


Game PIN: 02668906


Whole School Focus – Ball Skills

Improve your ball skills with some of the following activities. You can advance the activates yourself if you feel you already have them mastered.

1. Throw a ball off the wall 10 times and catch using both hands...then use your right hand...the your left hand.

2. Throw a ball in the air 10 times and catch. Again try catching with both hands, right hand & left hand.

3. Place a target ten paces away and try to hit it as many times as you can with 10 throws. Try to beat your score each day.

4. I know many of you play and like basketball so you could look to improve your basketball skills this week. The same goes for camogie, football, dancing etc. Find a sport you enjoy and try to improve 3 aspects of the game.

Continue our fitness routine...

10 push-ups, 10 sit ups, 10 squats, 10 lunges, 10 second plank, 10 high knee jumps, 10 second sprinting on the spot.

Sustained Running – Build on last week’s work e.g. 10 mins on Monday, 12 mins Tuesday etc. Try to build up to a 3k/5k run.


1. Continuing with our whole school theme of Gratitude, every day write down or draw a picture of something/someone you are grateful for.

2. Everyday write down one thing you would like to do when everything is back to normal and give a reason why you would like to do this.


As we made bridges a couple of weeks ago, I would like you to recreate the image below. Get creative and experiment with form and colour.


School song of the week is ‘I’m a Believer’ by The Monkees. YouTube video is on our class web page.

Small World Trade.docx