Happy Father's Day 2020

Happy Father's Day 2020

This year has thrown us challenge after challenge. In May, we found ourselves in the unique position of not being able to celebrate Mothers’ Day together. Today in September, we find ourselves in the same place. These six months have seen us on one incredible journey, yet we have not ventured far from our homes. This weekend, we still may not be able to be together in body, but we certainly can in spirit.

This weekend we celebrate the Fathers in our community. The Fathers, the Grandfathers, the Step Fathers and the Father figures who are treasured by our children and their families. Our parents and our teachers.

We also send out love to those among us who have lost their Father, to those who have lost a child and to those who have longed to be Fathers. We hold you dear in our hearts and prayers.

This year, we come together virtually to say we love you, and we thank you for all you are in our lives.

From your STJPA Co-Chairs and the entire community

Kate and Kat