St James will be celebrating Book Week from Monday 31st August to Friday 4th September.

Book Week is a celebration of the 2020 Children’s Book Council of Australia Shortlisted books, which showcases some of the best Australian children's literature published in the past year.

The theme this year is ‘Curious Creatures, Wild Minds.’

As always, the students will be invited to dress up as a book character. This year they will share their costume and favourite book with their peers online, during a class Google Meet on Wednesday 2nd September. We may all need to ‘think outside the box’ in preparation for this one!

We look forward to providing the children with opportunities to immerse themselves in these books and many others as we continue to foster a love for reading.

If you are interested in purchasing any of these highly acclaimed texts, you might like to have a closer look at:

Take a look at the Staff at St James celebrating Book Week 2020

Book Week is here!

The Students at St James celebrating Book Week

Foundation Book Week Video

Foundation students celebrate Book Week

Rhyming Couplets Book Week Poem by Freddy: video

A special Book Week poem

Junior School Celebrate Book Week 2020

Year 1 Book Week Parade Video
Book Week Year 2 Virtual Parade

Middle School Celebrate Book Week 2020

Book Week 3/4 Virtual Parade

Senior School Celebrate Book Week 2020

Book Week 5/6 Virtual Parade