Education @ Stella Maris Schools
Building Minds, Touching Hearts & Shaping Lives
What We Stand For

Our Origins

A Malaysian school that is Catholic in values and character. Local campuses that provides national curricula (private education) and international curricula at affordable fees. All to benefit as many students as possible. That may seem like an impossible dream; but to our founders - a Board of Governors led by Archbishop Anthony Soter, and which included Brigadier General (Rtd) Dato' Richard Robless, and the late La Salle Brother, Cassian Pappu - these were the seeds of hope that they nurtured into the Stella Maris Schools institution we know today.

The first school, Stella Maris Pudu, officially opened it's doors on 16 August 1997. It wasn't long before Stella Maris Ampang and Stella Maris Damansara were in operation. Together, all three schools fulfil an increasing demand for balanced and quality education that is accessible to students from all walks of life.

What makes Stella Maris Schools truly different is our focus. Not merely on academics but the pursuit of the traditions of the former mission schools, where students are educated in a liberal but disciplined and respectful atmosphere - one which encourages the learning and development of the whole person.

This is our path forward. One that our founders laid for us, and upon which we will continue journeying as we develop and grow together with our students.

Our Vision

To be the preferred choice and centre of excellence in Primary and Secondary education for the development of the whole person.

Our Mission

Through quality-driven, knowledge-based and value enriched education, we aim to produce loyal, thinking and caring citizens of high moral standards, who serve society in truth and justice.

Our Ethos

Our schools are Catholic in character and Malaysian in orientation. We believe in God and care for all God's creation. We believe in the dignity and potential of all persons and are committed to the holistic education of our children.

The Learning Environment @ Stella Maris Schools

We promote a liberal, caring and disciplined learning environment that encourages human endeavor, achievement and the quest for academic excellence whilst providing for the proper formation of character with love for all people, irrespective of background.

We achieve this through purposively designed curricula and co-curricular programmes that blend the pursuit of knowledge with the inculcation of values and the acquisition of skills, all of which contribute to the whole person and the development of the model citizens of tomorrow.

Why Choose Stella Maris Schools

Our Background
& History

The seeds of hope that our pioneers nurtured is strong and well rooted, and continues till today.

Education of our young is an investment for the future. Stella Maris schools are formed, as part of Yayasan Tan Sri Dominic Vendargon (YTDV), with their aim foremost in mind to provide quality and holistic education in as affordable a manner as possible reaching out to as many as possible, limited only by our physical and financial capacity.

Within the school environment that is liberal, caring, disciplined, value-focused and enterprise-driven, we are confident that our students will grow to become model citizens of tomorrow with sound moral standards and excel in service to country and society as true beacons of honour, truth, justice and peace.

Dedicated Team of
Long Serving Staff

Our staff team is a big reason for our schools' caring reputation. Our dedicated teachers and support staff proudly uphold the Stella Maris character of being Catholic in nature and Malaysia in orientation.

As such, each and every staff member are committed and passionate about providing the best learning opportunities for every student., supporting and helping them develop a love for learning. And together, we are dedicated to inspiring our students to become respectful, thoughtful and caring citizens of tomorrow.

Stella Maris Schools
Learning Environment

We believe that the quality of a student's learning environment impacts how enthusistic, engaged and motivated they feel. As such we promote a liberal, caring and disciplined environment that encourages a positive, peaceful atmosphere - one that facilitates effective learning amongst our students.

We achieve this through holistic curricular programmes that are designed to build knowledge and character. And we uphold a supportive, passionate teaching & learning approach, in which our teachers and staff foster caring relationships with their students.

A Holistic
Education Experience

This is how we prepare our students to meet the demands of the future and the challenges in life. We provide a holistic education experience, focusing on academic excellence to build knowledge and critical thinking; as well as wholesome development of character and values.

We actively pursue traditions of the former mission schools, where students are educated in a liberal yet disciplined and respectful atmosphere. We are committed to providing them all with the joy of learning, and with an education+ experience that the Stella Maris Schools and our strong team of educators can provide and deliver.

Quality Education
@ Affordable Fees

Together with all the advantages (that are noted) in coming to Stella Maris Schools, our parents and students will gain from; we provide local campuses that provide quality education at affordable fees at national curricula (private schools) and international curricula levels; and all this is done for the benefit of as many students and families as possible.