Education @ Stella Maris Schools
Building Minds, Touching Hearts & Shaping Lives
Message from the Chairman (Board of Governors) - Stella Maris Damansara

Dr. Tarcisius Chin

The mission of Stella Maris Schools is to offer holistic education in all aspects so that graduates will be blessed not only with academic prowess, but also be truly equipped with qualities that will turn them into responsible citizens who can contribute to personal, family and national development.

Education is more than acquiring a qualification. It is the full development of an individual to achieve best potential. Individuals have different talents and the educational journey seeks to optimize individual strengths and lessen weaknesses that can eventually be translated into a person of substance.​

The Malaysian missionary schools of the past sought to develop students along the above guideline. Besides academic pursuits much attention was also given to holistic development, in which character building and extra-curricula activities were equally important. Modern interpretations refer to these dimensions as developing IQ, EQ, and SQ. 

IQ is the development of the mind to comprehend the world we live in. We therefore study subjects like the physical sciences and mathematics, as well as social sciences like economics and sociology, and the humanities like history and literature. Most of us are better in a particular discipline, and we therefore pursue a course of study that will enable us to be doctors, engineers, historians, or teachers. This is the vital journey of education. 

EQ or emotional intelligence is the development of the competence in relating to others. We are social creatures, brought up in a family, and later acquiring a network of colleagues and friends. Success in life as a doctor or a teacher is very much related to how we are at dealing and relating with our clients, our bosses, our colleagues, our subordinates, and the outside world. In today's very interconnected world the development of EQ becomes important as a talent for success. In school much of EQ is developed through participation in extra-curricular activities. 

SQ or spiritual intelligence refers to the individual's persona. It is the character and innate qualities that define who we are as a person. In religions we refer to virtues that are attractive, such as prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance. All faiths follow the Golden Rule of Life which is best described as: Do unto others as we would want others do unto us. Character development through personal conduct is difficult to teach; it has to be caught! When I was schooling at St. Xavier's Institution a report card was the instrument to help me walk the narrow and righteous path. The report card with a graph in red for conduct and a graph in blue for application was entered by the teacher every week. We all tried to ensure that the two graphs remain at the top of the report card. For reinforcement my mother had to countersign the report card whenever an update was entered! We were on our best behavior as our SQ was monitored and recorded! In the mission schools of yore holistic development was truly accorded much attention.

The mission of Stella Maris Schools is to offer holistic education in all aspects so that our graduates will be blessed not only with academic prowess, but also equipped with qualities that will turn them into responsible citizens who can contribute to personal, family, and national development. The school offers a balanced education, nurturing students along the proven tract of our past missionary schools. Stella Maris Schools therefore continues the mandate of developing and bringing out the best in our students, to be good academically and responsible as citizens of our country.