Education @ Stella Maris Schools
Building Minds, Touching Hearts & Shaping Lives

Empowering Our Students

Your child's education is your most valuable gift to them. The right path opens up a world of possibilities for university and beyond. At Stella Maris Schools, we believe in not only guiding our students on a journey of learning, but also encouraging them to ask, ponder and make their own discoveries along the way.

This is how we prepare our students to meet the demands of the future and the challenges of life. We provide a holistic education experience, focusing on academic excellence to build knowledge and critical thinking; as well as the wholesome development of character and values. We actively pursue traditions of the former mission schools, where students are educated in a liberal but disciplined and respectful atmosphere.

We are committed to helping our students grow to become model citizens of tomorrow; with their minds equipped to maximize their potential for success and hearts to care for their families, and serve their communities.

We want all our students to truly and fully enjoy, and celebrate their time and life at Stella Maris Schools. We recognize and pride in their unique talents and abilities. We are committed to providing them all with the joy of learning, and with an education+ experience that the Stella Maris Schools and our strong team of educators can provide and deliver.

Rev. Julian Leow Beng Kim
Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur

Looking at education today, it leaves a lot to be desired. Seeing the kind of education we have today, there is a whole wish list that Stella Maris Schools can distinguish and will be able to provide that is not just quality education but an all-round wholesome education that looks not just at academic performances but also the spiritual, the emotional stability of the child, and how to prepare that child, that student for the real world.

And I think this is important that we produce all-round students - good in studies, able to think, able to perform like what we just saw in the concert, able to be themselves and able to be happy doing these things, and to make learning an enjoyable experience.

Stella Maris Schools provides these things and more. I hope that those who come to this school will truly find that their child will not be left behind but will be nurtured and that they will be able to be, and achieve and reach the potential that they are, that is within them. And to do it in an enjoyable environment.

Message from the Archbishop of KL.mp4

Dato' Richard Robless
Chairman (YTDV Council of Directors)

Education of our young is an investment for the future and Yayasan Tan Sri Dominic Vendargon (YTDV) was incorporated as a charitable foundation with this aim in mind to provide quality and holistic education in as affordable a manner as possible reaching out to as many as possible, limited only by our own physical and financial capacity.

Our schools, both national and international, which are branded as Stella Maris, have been established to prepare our young to meet demands of the future and the challenges of life, following the noble traditions of the great mission schools in the years gone past.

Our students are provided with an educational experience that is wholesome and balanced in body, mind, soul and spirit; one that not only adds knowledge and builds intellectual capacity but also nurtures our young with the right values and critical skills to enable them to maximise their potential and succeed in all that they endeavor for the betterment of themselves, their families and community.

Within a school environment that is liberal, caring, disciplined, value-focused and enterprise-driven, we are confident that our students will grow to become model citizens of tomorrow with sound moral standards and excel in service to country and society as true beacons of honor, truth, justice and peace.

To all our students and those who plan to join us, we wish you a truly fulfilling, enriching, enjoyable and exciting educational experience with and in Stella Maris. To parents, we thank you for your support and for entrusting your young to our care. To one and all, Happy Schooling and Welcome to the Stella Maris family.