
St. Christopher School admits students of any race, color, national, or ethnic origin.  St. Christopher School follows the Indiana state law for age requirements for entrance into kindergarten programs.  A child must be at least five (5) years of age on August 1.  Pre K students must be 4 by August 1.  

Kindergarten eligibility is determined by several factors:

Please contact us if you are interested in a personal tour of the school. 

For registration at St. Christopher School, your child's birth certificate and immunization record are required.  If you are Catholic, we would also like a copy of the baptismal certificate if your child was baptized somewhere other than St. Christopher Church. The payment of the registration fee is also required.  The completed registration form, certificates, records and fee should be mailed or brought to the school office at 5335 W. 16th Street, Indianapolis, IN  46224.  Any questions...please contact the school office at 317- 241-6315.

Unless tuition is being paid in full, we use FACTS Tuition Management Company for tuition collection.  They charge an annual fee of $38 and will deduct the tuition payment directly from your checking or savings account.  The tuition is divided over 10 months with collection for the school year beginning in July.  More information is available at