Creating Class Presentations

Step 1: Creating your Presentation

You are asked to create a presentation for class.  If you don't know how to create a slide deck, here are some basic information to creating a basic presentation in PowerPoint 2010 and Google Slides

Step 2: Recording your Presentation

You are asked to record your presentation for class.  Here are some basic steps to creating a recording a presentation from your computer using Screencast-o-Matic.

Here's a tutorial video for using Screencast-o-Matic

Step 3: Upload to YouTube

Next, you will need to store your video somewhere. We recommended putting your video on your personal or STCC YouTube account. You can directly upload to YouTube from Screencast-o-Matic or save to your desktop to upload at a later date. These instructions for How to Upload from your Desktop to YouTube will get you started. 

Step 4: Submitting your Presentation in Blackboard

You've completed building and recording your presentation, now it's time to share.  Here are some basic steps to How to Get a Link From YouTube to add to Blackboard. You may wish to view the video provided to learn how to add a link into Blackboard or follow the written instructions to Add a link into Blackboard Content Editor