Arriving Together Activities 

Coaching Awareness is a key competency for you to begin to expand during the RBPD course.  

According to Colorado’s Competencies for Early Childhood Coaches, coaching awareness is facilitated when “The coach and coach partner engage in reflection so that each may become increasingly aware of their individual outlook and its potential impact on themselves and others. Using their growing awareness and continuing to reflect, they increase their ability to self-regulate.” 

This looks like both partners:

As part of every RBPD module, the Arriving Together activity is when you are invited to participate in a wide range of reflective activities including prompts to think reflectively, as well as sense-based prompts.

When you participate in Arriving Together in RBPD you will be able to work each session on these learning objectives:

Some Arriving Together Examples 

Re-centering in Times of Uncertainty

Listening as a Humility Practice

The Mantra of Humility

Discover New Practices from Greater Good in Action

Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence Mood Meter 

Simple Stress and Anxiety Buster (4.5 minutes)

Mindful Listening for Focus (3:05 minutes)

The Only Place You Need to Be is Here (3:32 minutes)

Reflective Journaling (8 minutes)

This is a helpful strategy to prepare for reflection by writing down tasks that are filling your mind. It can be helpful to model best practice in beginning a coaching session with a recentering activity that fits the needs of the coaching partner.