Reflective Supervision & Consultation 

Reflective supervision/consultation (RS/C) is a collaborative relationship for professional growth that improves program quality and strengthens practice. It builds the capacity of individuals, relationships, and organizations by cherishing strengths and partnering around vulnerabilities 

~(Rebecca Shahmoon-Shanok,1991)

Benefits of experiencing RS/C in as an early childhood coach

Getting connected with an RS/C Facilitator 

Woman looking into laptop top waving

The state Regional Coaches provide RC without cost to credentialed coaches statewide and can help connect you with other RS/C groups across the state. Click on the "About Us" tab to learn more about us and find our contact information. 

woman looking to the side, sitting in front of a laptop

Colorado's Early Childhood Council Leadership Alliance (ECCLA) currently has limited funding to accept coaches for group or individual RS/C.

two women having a conversation

Colorado Association for Infant Mental Health (CoAIMH) provides a Resource Directory as a service to its membership. This Directory of RS/C providers is not exhaustive, rather the following individuals have indicated their willingness to provide RS/C to CoAIMH Endorsement applicants. 

Trained Facilitators of Reflective Supervision_Consultation - CDEC Record.xlsx

Are you interested in becoming a Reflection Supervision/Consultation provider?  

The course Facilitating Reflective Supervision/Consultation in Early Childhood (RS/C) Training offered by the Colorado Department of Early Childhood (CDEC) is intended to support ongoing capacity building for coaches, coach supervisors, administrators and other professionals in relationship-based roles with early childhood professionals. This free training is offered through the CDEC to support access to reflective supervision and consultation across the state. As a result, enrollment will be prioritized by a variety of community provider needs including current regional capacity, engagement in state coaching initiatives and experience receiving reflective supervision. 

Click the button to the left and complete the waitlist to take the state-facilitated training (Smartsheet waitlist COMING SOON!)

Where else can someone be trained to provide RS/C?

The Center for Early Education and Development (CEED) with the University of Minnesota offers training with the RIOS 1: Using the RIOS Framework for Reflective Supervision. In this three-week online course, get an introduction to the principles and core competencies of RSC. Develop a foundation of knowledge about reflective supervision/ consultation based in infant mental health theory and practice. 

Also offered is the RIOS 2: Advanced Reflective Supervision Using the RIOS Framework training. Using the Reflective Interaction Observation Scale (RIOS™) as a framework, you’ll learn about the process of beginning and maintaining a reflective alliance with individuals and groups to help professionals build skills and increase self-efficacy. 

For coaches interested in Reflective Supervision within a Early Childhood Mental Health lens, also check out CoAIMH's periodic training offerings.

RS/C Publications 

Gilkerson, L., & Shamoon-Shanok, R. 2000. Relationships for growth: Cultivating reflective practice in infant, toddler, and preschool programs. In J.D. Osofsky & H. Fitzgerald, eds. The WAIMH handbook of infant mental health (pp. 33-79). New York: Wiley. 

Heffron, M.C. & Murch, T. 2010. Reflective supervision and leadership in infant and early childhood programs. Washington, DC: Zero to Three. 

Parlakian, R. 2001. Look, listen, and lean: Reflective supervision and relationship-based work. Washington, DC: Zero to Three. 

Shamoon-Shanok, R. 1991.  The supervisory relationship: Integrator, resource, and guide. In E. Fenichel, ed. Learning through supervision and mentorship to support the development of infants, toddlers and their families: A sourcebook. Washington, DC: Zero to Three. 

Heller, S.S. & Gilkerson, L. 2009. A practical guide to reflective Supervision. Washington, DC: Zero to Three.