Health & Fitness

VINYASA YOGA Vinyasa Yoga is physical, mental and spiritual practice that helps keep your life in balance. It also helps to build strength and flexibility while decreasing stress. This is a great way to gain energy and relieve pain in areas of your body. Yoga helps maintain a healthy body. We do easy stretches and breathing techniques to help you feel more relaxed and boost your moods. You learn ways to help relieve your stress that can be done during your day at any time. All you need is a Yoga mat and an open mind! 

Day & Time: Wed. 6:00 p.m.- 6:55 p.m. 

Dates: 2/14 - 4/17 (no class 3/27, 4/3) 

No of weeks: 8 

Fee: $55 

Room: HS ALC, 2nd Floor (above the Library)

Instructor: Michele Donner, Certified Yoga Instructor  


Pilates is a form of low-impact exercise that aims to strengthen muscles while improving posture and flexibility. We try to target the core muscles while working though all areas of the body to feel and look more physically fi t. This exercise will help you lose weight and make you stronger and toned. This is a great way to look good and it builds strength and confidence. All you need is a mat and a small ball. You can add weights if you desire. 

Day & Time: Wed. 7:00 p.m. - 7:55 p.m 

Dates: 2/14 - 4/17 (no class 3/27, 4/3) 

No. of classes: 8 

Fee: $55 

Room: HS ALC, 2nd Floor (above the Library)

Instructor: Michele Donner, Cert. Pilates Instructor 

ADULT FITNESS & WELLNESS WORKOUT This course will introduce the participants to our Fitness and Wellness Room. Basic instruction in the use of all equipment and beginning workouts will be taught. Perfect for beginners to advanced levels!  You must be at least 21 years old to register.

Day & Time: Mon. & Thurs. – 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

Dates: 2/12 – 3/22 (no class 2/19) 


Dates: 4/11 - 6/6 (no class 5/27) 

Fee: $25 


Pay the Instructor - Cash only. $3/class

Room: High School Wellness Room

Instructor: Carolyn Weber


Feeling that post-holiday weight gain? Are you stuck at a plateaued weight and cannot seem to find the answers? Have you tried all the diets, but cannot seem to commit long term? The craziest thing is, you do not need to give up your sweet tooth or that late night snack after a long day! Join Certified Nutrition Coach, James Maleck, and learn to have a healthy relationship with all the foods you enjoy. Within this course you will learn about the foundation of the body’s energy-macronutrients, the importance of consistency in your diet, how to meal prep on a busy schedule, healthy weight loss, and so much more! You will be provided the tools to better understand nutrition, guiding you to long-term sustainable success! Being in a small group will allow more attention to any questions you may have. 

Day & Time: Mon. 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m 

Dates: April 29 OR May 20 

No. of classes: 1 

Fee: $15 

Room: L6 - High School

Instructor: James Maleck