Summary writing

Summary wiriting.pptx

Basic procedure

· Read and understand the instructions. Is it point form or prose (paragraph) form?

· Make sure you note the register and style you’re required to use.

· Read and understand the passage. Make sure you grasp the main point of the passage.

· Omit material brought in for illustration and example.

· Combine lists under a common heading.

· Omit unnecessary details.

· Keep your wording short and concise.

· You must use your own words.

· Write the first draft.

· Read the passage and then write a summary of it, following these steps:

  • Pick out the key sentence which carries the central argument of the passage and write it down.
  • Find and write down the main point of each paragraph.
  • Now you can combine these main points into a smooth, single paragraph of no more than 125 words or according to the word allocation given to you by the examiner.
  • Think about using linking words which will be very useful in creating a smooth style.
  • Indicate the exact number of words used, at the end of your summary, and provide a suitable title (YOU DO NOT COUNT THESE WORDS IN YOUR TOTAL).

· Count the number of words used.

· Rewrite to get the style smooth and the word count correct.