Poetry Analysis Sheet


Poetry analysis sheet

Your teacher will give you an introduction and background to the poem. The idea is that you appreciate the poem for itself and enjoy the beauty of the language and images. For examination purposes, however, you are required to be able to analyse a poem. In groups, you will each be given one of the following aspects below to analyse. Try to do it on your own so that you can master the skill of doing so. Thereafter, you will receive feedback from your peers. You must, however, complete the analysis sheets so that you consolidate the ideas in your head and have notes from which to study for the exam. The concept is that if you are able to analyse a poem on your own, you should be able to manage any exam question that comes your way.

Refer to the Poetry Terminology to assist you.

Copy these headings into your workbooks to analyse each of the poems:

Poem’s title:

Poet’s name:

Background to the poet and poem:

Structure including form, rhythm and rhyme:

Diction and syntax/sentence structure:

Imagery and symbolism:

Figurative language:

Intention, mood and theme:
