Exam checklist

Form 4 English July 2019 Exam Study Guidelines

Form 4 Paper 1 – Reading (3 hours) – 100 marks

Please use the English Google Site, your Lutrin and Pincus Red and Yellow books and any notes you have received in class in order to study for paper 1.


  • Prose or Visual texts
  • Newspaper and magazine articles, advertisements or cartoons.

Language in use and editing skills and visual and critical literacy

  • Form 1, 2, 3 and 4 errors “textual editing”.
  • Propaganda and advertising (persuasive texts using linguistic and visual techniques)
  • Visual material
  • Dictionary skills
  • Use of appropriate punctuation
  • Attention to use of register and style
  • Synthesis (combining ideas/thoughts in separate phrases/clauses/sentences into a meaningful, economical and grammatically and stylistically acceptable text)
  • Revise:
  • Prefixes and Suffixes
  • Denotation/ connotation; literal/figurative language
  • Figures of speech
  • Emotive and persuasive language
  • Advertising
  • Propaganda
  • Bias
  • Cartoons:
  • Visual details/Verbal details
  • Characters’ facial expressions and body language - be specific and descriptive (not just “the way she stands”)
  • Consider all the aspects of critical literacy.
  • Fact and opinion – or opinion pretending to be fact
  • Symbolism
  • Humour
  • Sexism, hate-speech and other discriminatory uses of language; inclusive language
  • Register, style and diction
  • Tone
  • Abbreviations and acronyms
  • Punctuation – reason for use and the effect thereof, alternatives, correcting.
  • Parts of speech (including compound words). Focus on pronouns and the effect they have (ie first person, second person, third person) and verbs (strong or weak?)
  • sentence structures (simple, compound and complex sentences; complete and incomplete sentences – finite and non-finite verbs; loose, periodic and mixed sentences; active and passive voice; statements, commands, requests, questions). Focus especially on the effect of where the main clause is placed.
  • Direct and indirect (reported) speech

Summary-writing skills

  • The ability to pick out important points and rewrite a passage to show understanding and USE THE APPROPRIATE REGISTER will be assessed.
  • Note the specific requirements with regard to format and register – a change of register may be required (e.g. formal to informal).
  • Appropriate style (including correct grammar and punctuation; sentence construction, especially the use of conjunctions).
  • Read instructions carefully.
  • Write a single paragraph and in complete sentences unless otherwise instructed.
  • Include an accurate word-count. (Do not lie – it’s not the Albanian way and really annoys the marker – yes they do count the words!)
  • Write using your own words.


  • No choice of poem will be offered.
  • There will be one unseen poem.
  • There may be interpretation of a visual text (e.g. a photograph, a cartoon or a comic strip) or another text (either poetic or prose) which has relevance to the poem.
  • A single question may require you to refer to more than one prescribed poem.
  • There may be a comparative element in the questions.
  • Revise the following poems:
  • Dulce Et Decorum Est
  • No Longer Mourn for Me
  • Ulysses
  • Nobody Loses all the Time

Form 4 Paper 2 – Writing (3 hours) – 100 marks

Section A

This section will test an understanding of plot, theme and character in the autobiography Born a Crime. The question will take the form of a literary essay of roughly 500 words. Marks: 30

Section B

This section will test an understanding of plot, theme and character in the play Macbeth (400-450 words). The question will take the form of a mini literary essay. Marks: 30

Section C

Questions in this section will be based on a response to a given text/ photograph/ advertisement/ literature studied.

Candidates will have to choose two of the options. The focus of the question is the ability to choose the correct format, style and register for the given context, purpose and audience. The body of each piece should be between 250 and 300 words in length.

Boys will be expected to be able to respond to any of the following:

  • Emails
  • Blogs
  • Speeches
  • Open letters
  • Editorial
  • Eulogy

Marks: 2 × 20 = 40