Sentence Structure: Clauses and Phrases

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A phrase is a group of words without a finite verb.

A clause is a group of words containing a finite verb.

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Revision of verbs...

Types of sentences

E.g. Samuel read the sonnet to the class.

‘Samuel’ = subject

‘Read’ = finite verb

‘The sonnet’ = direct object (Samuel read what?)

‘To the class” = indirect object (Samuel read the sonnet to whom?)

The effect of the use of different types of sentences...

These different types of sentences are used together to create a sophisticated style and to convey mood, atmosphere and tone.

Simple sentences can:

  • Speed up the pace
  • Create a Climax
  • Bring finality

Compound sentences can:

  • Make the style more flowing
  • Advance the action

Complex sentences can:

  • Bring complexity of tense
  • Include detail in an unobtrusive way
  • Create depth and sophistication

Loose, Periodic and Mixed Setences