2020-2021 Goals

Goal 1: Remote/Virtual Learning

I will partner with teachers to improve their use of blended learning strategies in order to improve virtual/remote learning experiences.

Action Steps:

  • Create weekly newsletters with “bite-sized” tips and new features in Canvas and WebEx Teams and Meetings.

  • Increase individual or group meetings with teachers on topics such as expanding their use of submitting choices, assignments, tabbed pages, interactivities, formative assessment, and discussions to engage students and increase active use of online learning.

  • Increase face-to-face meetings with teachers on blended learning strategies and considerations such as readiness, differentiation, learning stations, and choice.

  • Make teachers aware of advanced Canvas features: outcomes, rubrics, peer review, embedded YouTube videos, quizzes as formative assessment, and student creation tools that work within the Canvas framework

  • Document Canvas use during classroom visits using Twitter. (If ever out of Level Orange)

  • Partner with FMHS/FM9 teachers to sustain their learning on Engagement Strategies from Apple Vanguard PL

Success Criteria

10 teachers per campus will use more advanced features of the iPad, Webex, Google Drive, and Canvas in order to improve students’ online learning experiences.


In addition to having 514 virtual and face-to-face meetings with educators on all campus levels, I have completed the following action steps to achieve my goals.

The Secondary Team often works collaboratively to create a weekly Digital Learning Newsletter with 3 main Sections: Canvas Updates, WebEx Updates, and TILT Focus. Sending out weekly newsletters created in Canva keeps me in the forefront of teachers' minds and gives them quick tips that they can implement right away. It also fosters a partnership when teachers come to me wanting to use new ideas and tools in their instruction.

I often wonder if teachers take the time to read them, but based on comments from teachers, at least a good number of teachers take the time to read them.

The newsletters have helped elevate my meetings because teachers are now more interested in the interactive features of Canvas, WebEx, and iPad apps and how these tools can increase student engagement.

View all newsletters.

I have modeled the use of advanced WebEx features in various training. One of the most fun was having the DL team and ITFs join a Spanish teacher so she could explore the use of breakout rooms. In addition, our Secondary IFT team, along with the DL Administrator, presented to MS Virtual teachers in WebEx about breakout sessions, where we also got to spotlight Jamboard.

WebEx itself has magnified my ability to meet with a greater amount of teachers. As much as I love meeting and connecting with educators face-to-face, meeting virtually has greatly increased my efficiency with the ability to meet with up to 14 teachers/groups a day. On some high-traffic days (beginning of a semester), I will leave my personal room open, and teachers can come and go as needed. Teachers LOVE not having to wait 2 weeks for me to be on campus! I am sure, if given the chance, I will implement virtual meetings when I return to on-campus visits.

I have focused much of my work with teachers on blended learning strategies. Whether teachers are face-to-face, remote, virtual, or co-seated, every classroom can benefit from a blended learning approach.

I also plan to present more choice board tools in future newsletters.

I regularly tweet students' use of blended learning techniques when I see them. Although it's not as often because of COVID, I like to catch and spotlight when teachers are engaging their students using techniques such as choice, differentiation, readiness, process, and product.

I circled around to Apple Vanguard training with Flower Mound HS teachers in November when I facilitated Professional Learning Sessions on using Keynote in interactive ways.

I also share resources from Apple regularly with my teachers from all campuses, including this Keynote that teachers can use as a formative assessment in Apple Classroom.

I hope the Apple Vanguard program will continue at FMHS and FM9 next school year.

I often try to elevate my instruction to rise above the nuts-and-bolts of using a tool to best practices, including exploration of Social Emotional Learning practices. I am collaborating with 2 ELAR teachers from DeLay to present "Improving Communication in Canvas: 5 Simple Tips" based on the Fundamental Five from Instructure.

I conduct my own data analysis to send to campus administrators every 9 weeks, including what type of content areas I am reaching and any campus-wide learning I am providing. I package the data in an easy-to-read infographic.

View all 9 Weeks Updates.

I utilize Calendly to make it easy for teachers to sign up for a virtual meeting. Teachers can easily search for a time to meet that works for them, and all my meetings are put on my Outlook Calendar so I have a record of all my meetings. I can meet up to 13 times a day for 30 minutes each.

Goal 2: Professional

I will continue to be a lifelong learner and increase my knowledge of blended learning and its effects on the student experience.

Action Steps

  • I will review the UTeach materials from the Level 1 and Advanced Blended Learning Series online courses and share knowledge with teachers through design partnerships and face-to-face learning experiences.

  • I will engage in collaboration with the Level 2 Blended Learning community and other colleagues to gain new ideas for online learning.

  • I will attend conferences and professional learning workshops to increase my knowledge of blended learning.

Success Criteria

  • I will implement the knowledge and skills learned from UTeach in my professional practice by modeling blended learning strategies with teachers.

  • I will share my knowledge through teacher partnerships, work with campus leaders, and new learning experiences with teachers.


My focus for TCEA 2021 was exploring digital citizenship, Social Emotional Learning, Culturally Responsive Teaching, blended learning strategies, and discovering tools and tricks to make teachers' lives easier, with a focus on Google Drawings and Google Slides. With the virtual format, I was able to see twice as many sessions as I would in a face-to-face conference.I attended 47 sessions.

View my transcript.

At Downing MS, I collaborate with the LMS on Tech Toilet Times, a document posted in the faculty restrooms that points to a Google Site, where we explore a tool that teachers can use to engage their students or make technology integration more seamless. We create a new topic every month.

View the Toilet Tech Times website.

At Shadow Ridge, I have collaborated with the LMS to create a Tech Tips Bulletin Board in the Faculty Workroom. It focuses on one library tip and one technology tip in addition to our contact information.

I have worked collaboratively with our secondary ITF team and our Canvas Administrator to create content for the Canvas Monthly Topics course for teachers.

March: I created the launching page for the topic on Canvas Collaboration, as well as the buttons.

February: I created three videos for Buttons:

  • Creating and Managing Tables

  • Inserting Images in Tables

  • Linking Images to Canvas Content

December: I created the following resources for Yuja training:

  • Intro to Yuja video

  • Intro to Yuja instructions

  • Yuja Quizzes video

  • Yuja Video quiz

November: I created the videos for the Link Validation process.

Embedding YouTube Videos in Canvas to Add Them to the Whitelist

October: I created the instructions for embedding YouTube videos so they would be whitelisted by the district.

I helped design Technology Applications lessons in Canvas collaboratively. I was able to learn new skills as I designed lessons for a non-linear Google Slideshow, a digital, multimedia scrapbook in Keynote, and programming a progress bar using the Google Script Editor.

In October, I attended CanvasCon, where I was able to explore several topics for blended learning, such as focusing on the Fundamental Five to ensure that students are getting the information they need to navitage virtual learning. I also explored the importance of storytelling and reading in a digital environment from Levar Burton. I also explored pro tips for using the Canvas gradebook and how digital tutorials fit into blended learning from Sal Khan from Khan Academy.


I collaborated with my secondary ITF team and the Digital Learning Administrator to create materials for two district-wide training sessions for middle school virtual teachers. For Yuja, we all created one topic and presented it to the group via WebEx.

For Breakout Sessions, we each had a Frame in a Jamboard to use in our individual breakout sessions.