2016-2017 Goals

Goal 1: By January of 2017 I will complete the Instructional Coaching Cycle with one teacher. We will build a coaching contract, set teacher goals, and devise an action plan to achieve the goals together. I will observe with video, and we will watch the video together, addressing the desired outcomes and making a plan of improvement or devising new goals.

Here is the contract created by the teacher and me:

By going through the instructional coaching cycle with this teacher, we were able to build a relationship, and our conversations naturally led to her goals and artifacts that would show she achieved her goals. We began to look at her professional eportfolio, which lead to the achievement of my goal #2.

Goal 2: By May of 2017 I will facilitate at least 2 teachers in their ePortfolio process. I will partner with them to create a Google Site, devise goals, and brainstorm artifacts as proof of achieving those goals. These teachers will have a professional ePortfolio and have at least one artifact uploaded per goal.

I have worked with these teachers at LHSK since August to

  • create their professional eportfolios
  • devise 3 SMART goals (some tech-related, some not)
  • add them to their eportfolios
  • upload artifacts
  • reflect on their goals
  • and add them to their eportfolio.

I have been especially engaged in the eportfolio process with individual teachers because it opens the doors to deep conversations about a growth mindset and improving instructional practices. Some teacher artifacts are not shared publicly because of student anonymity issues.

Goal 3: By May of 2017 I will facilitate the student ePortfolio process with at least two teachers. I will partner with them to create reflection activities with students and brainstorm ideas for facilitating student choice of artifacts. These students will have at least 2 artifacts and reflections in their ePortfolios.

Step 1: Work with all 7th, 9th and 10th graders at Huffines MS, DeLay MS, and LHS Killough to help them create their ePortfolios.

I have accomplished the basic tasks of facilitating the creation of 7th and 10th grade ePortfolios. At DeLay and Huffines, I had face-to-face instruction with all 7th grade students as they created and shared their eportfolios and uploaded their digital citizenship artifacts. At Huffines, I created materials for teachers to explore the concepts of growth eportfolios, artifacts, and reflection with their 6th, 7th, and 8th grade advisory students. At Killough, I created a Google Site with videos and other resources for teachers and students to use as they continue to work on their eportfolios.

Click on the image to visit the site.


As of 1/26/2017, I created materials for 6th and 8th grade eportfolios as well as creating a shared Google Drive folder, uploading artifacts, and reflecting. At DeLay, I hope to work with specific content-area teachers to facilitate the next steps of eportfolio implementation. I hope to work with ELA teacher to focus on reflection skills with 7th graders.

Step 2: Empower teachers with the skills to help students upload artifacts and reflect on them.

I furthered the ePortfolio initiative at Delay and Killough by focusing on ELA and English teachers. By co-teaching in their classrooms, I built teachers' capacity to work with their students independently in the future. Below are tweets of my experiences in those classrooms.