Media Literacy Club

Media Literacy/ Library Club

Media literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and produce communication in various forms. It expands literacy to include all forms of communication. Alternatively, it can be defined as the ability to ask questions about what a person watches, sees, and reads. This program helps students improve literacy, think critically, become smart consumers of products and information, recognize point of view, understand an author’s purpose, and identify the role of media in our culture. Additionally, students will perform essential community service by organizing and maintaining a lending library that is open to all WMS students.

The primary focus of the media literacy club is to improve the WMS library by creating an amazing catalog of books. The club has implemented several initiatives in the past to improve the library, including launching the free little library, installing and maintaining a book vending machine, hosting multiple scholastic book fairs, organizing our collection of books, and hosting a bilingual family literacy night. We plan to host more events in the future to enhance the library even further!