Policies & Procedures 

Identifying Gifted Students

(FAQ Adapted from Chris Hiben's page for Jefferson Township Public Schools.)

Identification Process Overview

The gifted identification process is undertaken each year and involves evaluating data for students already receiving gifted education services as well as those who have not yet received services. As the Gifted & Talented Website notes, we use multiple measures, such as a universal screener, teacher referrals, gifted behavior checklists, standardized tests, and student performance within their normal coursework. Parents may also complete an input packet on behalf of their child that will be examined by gifted education faculty.  

Harrison Public Schools Gifted and Talented Identification

Frequently Asked Questions

Can NJSLA scores be used for gifted identification?

They can.  Since the 17-18 school year, NJSLA (PARCC) scores for ELA and Math have been used as part of our identification process.  Harrison Public School District utilizes NJSLA scores to increase the number of criteria on an identification profile, which already includes multiple measures.  These scores help provide a more comprehensive understanding of a student's academic ability using local norms.

My son or daughter received straight A's but they did not get into the gifted program.  How is this possible?

Report card grades make up only one category used for the identification process.  It is possible that your child may not have fared as well in the other areas. According to the state definition of gifted and talented students, Harrison Public School District considers “compared to local peers”. This means your student is meeting success in the regular program and may not indicate a need for gifted education services. 

My child's teacher told me that they would refer them to the gifted program.  Why were they not admitted? 

Teachers can fill out a gifted behavior checklist when they feel it is warranted.  The checklist asks them to rate the child based on a series of questions.  In the end, a composite score from the checklist is used with the identification rubric.  Even though a teacher may choose to fill out the form, your child might not have fared as well in the other areas. It is important to note that it is not appropriate to contact your child's classroom teacher with the intent of questioning them about scores given on the gifted behavior checklist, as this undermines the integrity of the process.  

How can I get my child into the gifted program?

As parents, we all want what is best for our child and it can hurt when we see them not attain something they wanted, or we wanted.  It is important to understand what being gifted means in order to grapple with this.  You cannot necessarily study or work your way to becoming gifted, nor should you or your child agonize over not being labeled as such.  Academically gifted and talented students in this country make up approximately six to ten percent of the total student population, so by its very nature, only a small portion of students will be eligible for services.  

Being labeled as gifted is the equivalent of saying that the normal curriculum your child experiences is not meeting their needs.  Just as special education students receive accommodations and modifications to meet their needs, so too will gifted students.  For those not currently identified as gifted, they are encouraged to participate in school and out-of-school enrichment (see our school-wide enrichment program). There may be future opportunities for assessing the need as the child progresses through the grades. Differentiation in the classroom is appropriate and should be adequately challenging.

How can I learn more about the rubric format, my child's scores and the gifted behavior checklist?  

Our gifted education faculty in your child's school will be happy to explain and assist you in understanding the process and the outcome.  Should you reach an impasse, please contact the Gifted and Talented Coordinator, whose information is found on the Social Media Page.  

I have a friend whose child... I know someone who...  How come...?

By law we cannot and will not discuss other students.  Moreover, it is counterproductive.  Please trust that our identification process has been thoroughly vetted, evaluated and revised as needed.  Our gifted faculty has the utmost professionalism and holds high standards of integrity and confidentiality. 

Does all instruction only occur in schools?

No, learning takes place from field trips, workshops, assemblies, convocations, and festivals. Projects and extracurricular group activities are various other avenues often explored. A School-wide Enrichment System is also in place to encourage learning in various ways. 

Criteria Overview

To receive services in the academically gifted program, students undergo an identification process based on test results, teacher referrals, and other matrix components.  Such students manifest behaviors in three general clusters of characteristics: above-average intellectual ability, task commitment, and creativity.

Identification is based on multiple criteria, and students will receive services based on their needs.

The distribution of points in each of the areas is listed below:




Criteria for Returning Students

Referringing a Student's Admittance to the Gifted and Talented Program

Teachers may refer a student's admittance or monitoring from G&T services by using the "Teacher Request" Form. Click the button below to access the form.

Gifted and Talented Program Coordinator Responsibilities

On the district level, as the K-12 Gifted and Talented Coordinator, I am responsible for providing leadership in the area of gifted and talented education to the Harrison Public School District. For the past 10 years, I have been responsible for implementing the district Gifted and Talented Program Plan and developing and coordinating district-wide staff professional development. On the building level, I test and identify students and develop or modify services in response to the student’s needs. I support and supervise my fellow Gifted and Talented educators in the Harrison School District. I provide gifted and talented students with appropriate learning activities and experiences designed to fulfill their intellectual, emotional, physical, and social growth potential

-Karen Cristalli

Continuum of Services

The gifted and talented programs in Harrison Public Schools are needs-based services designed for those students who, when compared to their chronological peers, possess or demonstrate exceptionally high levels of ability in one or more content areas. The programs provide additional and appropriate educational challenges and opportunities to meet the needs of these students. The curricula for the various G&T programs are created by the G&T Coordinator and teachers, peer-reviewed by members of the county consortium, designed to provide appropriate challenges to intellectually and academically advanced learners, and approved by the Board of Education. The range of services offered by the Harrison Public School District includes pull-out programs, specialized content courses, advanced classes, varied grouping strategies, acceleration, and differentiation of curriculum and instruction in the classroom.