Links and Resources

Parent Resources 

Online Forms for Teachers

Teachers will fill out the request form when referring a student. Please be sure that you are logged into your Harrison Schools email account before opening and completing the forms. Each child requires their own separate submission.

Online Forms for Parents/Guardians

Parents and guardians will complete this form if your child is referred for Gifted services. Names and email addresses will be recorded. Each child requires their own separate submission.

Online Forms for Students

Students in Grades Kindergarten through Grade 2 will complete both the "If I Ran the School" form and "My Way" form. Students in Grades 3 through Grade 12 will complete just the "Secondary Interest-A-Lyzer" form. Please be sure that the student is logged into their personal Harrison Schools email account before opening and completing the form(s).

Grades Kindergarten - Grade 2

Grade 3 - Grade 12