Tuition Assistance

What is an early Learning Scholarship?

Early Learning Scholarships can help eligible familes pay for high-quality early education programs to help prepare your child for school. Programs must be Parent Aware-Rated in order to provide these scholarships. Stewartville Early Childhood Education is a 4-star rated Parent Aware program.  

Pathway I Scholarship

Pathway II Scholarship

Applications must be filled out by the family and mailed into Families First. These applications are not received by Stewartville Early Childhood but instead must go through the Area Administrator at Families First.

If your child receives this scholarship, please communicate with Early Childhood Coordinator, Brianna O'Brien, on your next steps.  

Applications must be filled out by the family and returned to the Stewartville Early Childhood Coordinator, Brianna O'Brien, at the Central Education Center as these scholarships are administered and tracked through our program. 

To qualify for these scholarships, you must meet income eligibility criteria. Funding is limited from year to year and scholarships are awarded on a first come, first serve basis. Applications are available in mid July for the upcoming school year.  

Questions about Pathway II funding can be directed to Brianna O'Brien,

If you have any questions on Pathway I or II please contact Brianna O'Brien, Early Childhood Coordinator, at or 507-533-1455.