Preschool Faqs

Is busing available?

Is tuition assistance available?

What other services can be provided for my child?

Is childcare available?

Yes, transportation can be provided for families if needed. The Stewartville School District uses Grisim Bus Service and that service is available to Preschool families as well. Parents/guardians will need to contact Grisim directly to discuss services and cost. They can be reached at (507) 533-8775.

Yes, there is assistance available to qualifying families. Find more information under the tuition assistance tab.

Special Education and Speech Services for qualifying students are available. If you have questions regarding these programs or if your child may qualify please contact our office at 507-533-1435 or by email at

Yes, childcare is available via our Tiger Tots Wrap Around program. Capacity is limited in this program and is on a first come, first serve basis. The Tiger Tots program is also located onsite. For more information and to get on the list, contact Tiger Time Coordinator, Megan Wilber