Predictable Routines

Classroom Routines, even in virtual classrooms, should be developed for a smooth experience for all. The predictable routines should be connected to school-wide expectations, include student voice, and be taught and practiced.


  • Student voice embedded in rules, routines and CLS

  • Routines for class assignments (uploading documents, pictures, etc..) are taught and reviewed

  • Routines are established for online learning (e.g., raising hands, reactions/tools, being recognized before talking, emojis, background, home interruptions (pets, siblings, children)

  • Explicit teaching for norms teaching both with students and home support (muting, waiting rooms, logging in, break out rooms)

  • Standardized routines/procedures are reviewed

  • Clear roles/expectations/norms for paraprofessionals, related service personnel participating in DL previously established

Distance Learning

Blended Learning

Attention Signals

  • Attention signals are established/explicitly taught (hand gestures, light changes, music, timers); signals are varied to increase engagement

  • Students respond to the signal, what they see/hear; quick response time

  • Students can tell you what the attention signal is

  • Students are able to state what’s next or respond to a standard prompt to move to the next activity



This video also includes schedules for Blended.


  • Develop class schedule with students and families (frequency, time, group or 1:1, asynchronous or synchronous); DLPs, Special ed and related services

  • Present the class schedule daily, students have the schedule accessible (posted on LMS); Specific and aligned to LMS (eg Modules, folders, Topics) are referenced; Learning Objectives posted and clear

  • Students and staff have access to individual schedules including related services, ABA, general education to keep in mind screen time, overlaps in schedule, etc.

  • Within-task schedules are used to increase student engagement

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