Acknowledge and Respond to Behavior

Acknowledge Appropriate Behavior

  • Verbal and nonverbal praise is provided (e.g., thumbs up, facial gestures); praise is specific (nice job of…, I like how you…), based on desired behavior and connected to class rules/routines.

  • Constructive feedback/redirection tells students what they should be doing

  • There is evidence of asking students what they prefer (e.g., pizza parties, erasers)

  • Individual/group reinforcement systems are used (e.g., point sheets, behavior charts); there is evidence students talk about gains/progress/goals.




  • 4:1 verbal/nonverbal positive to negative feedback/correction observed for all students; use of “I notice” statements as part of positives

  • Corrections are made in a positive manner; teachers/service providers monitor tone, volume, cadence.

  • Students are naturally connected with upon entry and exit from virtual call; the adults have an established and predictable routine for this.

