Opportunities to Respond

Student Responses

  • Students have frequent opportunities to respond

  • Synchronous (e.g., individual and choral response, whole group and breakout groups, Kahoot) and Asynchronous (e.g., Flip Grid, student created videos, work/assignment submission, YouTube, shared google docs, shared powerpoints, screencastify) response modes for students

  • Routines for paper/pencil responses, white board responses, virtual responses/reactions (e.g., virtual hand raise, thumbs up, emoji, etc), kinesthetic responses (e.g., Stand Up/Sit Down, hand gestures that go along with content

  • Interactive Tools: eg Graphic Organizers (google); Guided Notes; Choral Responses (Hattie; Jigsaw (Hattie 1.20)



Instructional Formats

  • Offering opportunities for individual learning, small group, and/or large group based on student needs and skills. These are noted on lesson plans.

  • The teacher offers live sessions utilizing the paraprofessional/co-teacher to support break-out sessions, if the system allows.

  • Both synchronous and asynchronous learning opportunities are available



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  • Students have access to technology to participate in virtual lessons.

  • Students and families know how to access support for hardware and software

  • Digital Citizenship has been taught

  • Technology is utilized for productivity

  • Technology rules and routines are posted/taught/reviewed/utilized