Green Team

Hey Green Team! Check out this page for updates from Mr. Land about what you can continue to do to help the planet from home.

Marin Zero Waste Challenge

Week 1: Print here

Challenge #1: Rot On

Watch this video to join week one of the Marin Zero Waste Challenge!

Follow the instructions to complete your first challenge.

Activity time estimate: ~1 hour

Week 2: Print here

Challenge #2: Trash to Treasure

In this activity students create a piece of art or a usable item out of materials that would normally be sent to the landfill or recycling facility.

Follow the instructions to complete the second challenge.

Activity time estimate: ~ 1-2 hours

Week 3: Print here

Challenge #3: Leftover Makeover!

The challenge this week is for students to create a delicious new meal with any leftovers they might have in their fridge.

Follow the instructions here to complete the third challenge.

Week 4:

Challenge #4: Don't Waste Your Voice!

The challenge this week is to share what you have learned about creating less waste. Use your imagination to show others the importance of achieving Zero Waste in a fun and new way!

Follow the instructions here to complete the fourth challenge.

Earth Day 2020