Campus Resources


Available to discuss academic and non-academic topics!

Ms. Montoya

School Counselor

Ms. Ng

School Counselor

Mr. Jimenez

School Counselor

Ms. Ku-Rodriguez

School Counselor

Mrs. Hunter

School Counselor

Ms. Stebbins

Train Your Brain Specialist & Social Worker

Ms. Oliverez

DIS Counselor



Your counselors are available to talk about academic and non-academic topics. Contact them through email or telephone. Expected response time is within 48 hours, Monday-Friday 8:30 am to 3:35 pm. You can find them during school hours in the counselor's center, which is located near the center of the school in between the 300s and 400s building. 

You can find who your counselor is on Aeries and contact them through their email located above! 

Train Your Brain Specialist

Visit the Train Your Brain website HERE

South Pasadena Unified School District’s Train Your Brain or TYB program is dedicated to providing social-emotional support services to students. They aim to expand access to mental health services that support the well-being of students.

​Their program includes individual counseling support, family engagement, classroom presentations, outreach, community building, restorative justice practices, and resource referrals.  Their services promote healthy coping, resiliency, and wellness by providing a spectrum of comprehensive, integrated, culturally sensitive services that support the academic achievements and wellness of SPUSD students. 

If you would like to access TYB support, you can email Ms. Stebbins at or you can self-refer using THIS form! 

DIS Counselor

Designated Instructional Service (DIS) Counselor provides students services that ensure access to programs that will allow students to progress in IEP goals. The DIS Counselor primarily works with students within the special education program, alongside their academic counselor and their IEP case manager to make sure student needs are being met.

*IEP stands for individualized education program and is offered to students with an identified disability so they can receive specialized instruction and related services.

Contact Ms. Olivarez through her email,!

Health & Wellness Officers

The Health and Wellness Officers are ASB-appointed officers. Their job is to promote students' physical, mental, social, emotional, and sexual health across campus by providing information, resources, and activities related to these topics.  Feel free to reach out to your officers for anything, whether that be questions, feedback, ideas or just to chat. However, keep in mind that they are NOT trained professionals. If you or someone you know is facing a serious issue or life-threatening circumstances, contact a professional either through SPHS counseling staff or a crisis line such as the National Suicide and Crisis Prevention Line.

Contact your health and wellness officers at!

Peer Mediators

Peer Mediators is a student organization that is dedicated to advocating for the social, physical, and mental well-being of every student on campus. They raise awareness for resources on campus and work closely with our counseling department and mental health workers to improve those resources. Peer mediators are trained in conflict resolution to solve disputes between students as an alternative to disciplinary action. 

If you would like to access peer mediators to solve disputes, for support or just to talk, fill out THIS referral form!


The Wellness Center!

The wellness center is located in the back right of the counselor's center. It is a quiet corner available to anyone at any time during school hours. If you're feeling overwhelmed, stressed, anxious, sad, lonely, or just need a good nap, this is a great place to come. You can find an abundance of resource pamphlets, books, distressing activities fidget toys, and more.