Family Corner

*Please be aware that some of the topics below include links to other sites that may contain advertisements*

SEL4ME : Social Emotional resource created by the Maine Department of Education for grades pre-K-12. Library contains several online lessons for each of the following categories: self-awareness, self management, social awareness, relationships and responsible decision-making.

Recognize your emotions and understand how those feelings influence your behavior (CASEL)

Regulate your feelings (CASEL)

Make responsible choices for your health, safety and relationships with others (CASEL)

Develop skills to enhance friendships and relationships with others - even those who are very different than you (CASEL)

Build empathy for, and understanding of, others (CASEL)

COMMUNITY RESOURCES should your student experience a mental health crisis while school is closed.

Maine Crisis Hotline: 1-888-568-1112

CRISIS Text Line: 741-741 or call 774-HELP (4357)

Call 911 or go directly to your local Emergency Room

For general questions and updated information regarding COVID-19, please access:

Maine CDC:

Federal CDC:

Call 211: Maine’s Health and Human Services Information & Referral System

Grief and Loss:

Skills to practice healthy hygiene in order to stay safe and free from worries.

From the Nurse's Office

From A Note from South Portland School Nurses dated 8/11/20

  1. Ensure all family members practice healthy habits daily

    1. Make healthy food choices

    2. Stay hydrated with lots of water

    3. Get 8-9 hours of sleep each night

    4. Exercise each day

    5. Read together each day

  1. Practice WEARING face coverings, WASHING hands and WATCHING distancing. These three strategies will be a focus at school for all students and adults, so readiness is key to success.

  2. Screen for illness each day before leaving the house for school, following the CDC screening information provided. Pay close attention to ALL of the questions, which cover symptoms, potential exposure and travel. Pre-Screening Tool

  3. Keep a sick child at home if ill, and contact the school nurse to discuss return to school plans.

  4. Keep parent/guardian contact information up to date at school. Be prepared for someone to pick up your child within 30 minutes of being called, should they become ill at school.

  5. Report any contacts or exposures to COVID by any household member to the school nurse. The school nurse can then give guidance regarding school attendance.

  6. Be sure to follow isolation and quarantine guidance carefully, should the need occur. CDC- When to Quarantine

  7. Apply sunscreen and insect repellent before school in anticipation of increased outdoor activity.

  8. Send a water bottle to school each day to support hydration.

  9. Take care of the emotional health of your household members, including yourself.