Phys Ed & C.A.L.M.

Physical Education/CALM aims to take an integrated approach to the development of physically, socially, and emotionally responsible students. We are committed to offering an innovative learning experience that allows for personal growth in developmentally appropriate settings. This is designed to improve cooperation, participation and lifelong fitness while meeting the individual needs of today’s students as members of the larger community. Students will build skills in communication, self-confidence, and critical thinking. Developing these skills and learning how to deal with feelings effectively will provide a basis for building healthy self-management techniques and improving relationships with others.

Physical Education 3* credit

The Physical Education program aims at developing skills surrounding four areas of lifelong health and fitness. The course objectives have been derived from the General Outcomes prescribed by Alberta Learning.

  1. ACTIVITY: Students will acquire skills through a variety of developmentally appropriate movement activities i.e. the acquisition and application of basic movement skills

  2. BENEFITS HEALTH: Students will understand, experience, and appreciate the health benefits that result from physical activity. i.e. various health benefits, personal functional fitness, body image, nutrition

  3. COOPERATION: Students will interact positively with others. i.e. fair play, teamwork, communication, leadership, followership, managing change

  4. DAILY FOR LIFE: Students will assume personal responsibility to lead an active way of life. i.e. motivation, effort, self-confidence, self-esteem, goal setting, decision making, community and activity independence, safety

Career and Life Management (CALM) 20

Career and Life Choices:

  • Exploration of values

  • Career planning process and develop employability skills to help you find, acquire and maintain employment.

  • Self-assessment, career exploration, decision-making and action planning.

  • Career portfolio – resume and cover letter workshop

Financial Planning and Resource Choices:

  • Decisions in the use of finances and other resources that reflect personal values and goals and demonstrate commitment to self and others.

  • Effectively manage your resources, particularly your finances

  • Financial planning, budgeting, living on your own, investment, credit and insurance through an independent living project

Personal and Interpersonal Choices:

  • Understanding of the emotional/psychological, intellectual, social, spiritual and physical Dimensions of health – and the dynamic interplay of these factors – in managing personal well-being.

  • Lifestyle choices necessary for improving and maintaining health and well-being

  • Interpersonal relationships by identifying expectations and issues within relationships

  • Human sexuality - responsible sexual decision-making, abstinence, sexually transmitted infections, contraception, and the consequences of sexual behavior

*You can find further information regarding these objectives at