PT Team 

SGT Naomi EDwards

Female PT Commander

1lt daviel roman

Male PT Commander

*Academics and PT take place at the same time cadets must choose one to do each year and cannot change mid-season

Develop discipline, and physical and mental toughness to enhance the leadership, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills to improve the overall self-confidence of cadets. DEC-MAR

The PT Competition consists of these 5 following events:


  Pull-Ups: Scored based on proper reps completed in one set. No time limit.

o  Push-Ups: Scored based on proper reps completed in 1 minute. 

o  Curl-Ups: Scored based on proper reps completed in 1 minute.

o  V-Sit Reach: Scored based on how far the cadet can go. 2 tries; highest score counts

o  Shuttle Run: Timed, stopped when the second block fully passes the line (not the actual cadet)


  o  Flexed-Arm Hang: Scored based on how long the cadet can keep chin over bar

o  Push-Ups: Scored based on proper reps completed in 1 minute. 

o  Curl-Ups: Scored based on proper reps completed in 1 minute.

o  V-Sit Reach: Scored based on how far the cadet can go. 2 tries; highest score counts

o  Shuttle Run: Timed, stopped when the second block fully passes the line (not the actual cadet)

There are 3 teams of 5 max for both male and female teams. People with the highest performance in the 5 events will be put into teams accordingly. Competitions take place once a month on a Saturday. Cadets must arrive at the school 5:30am-6:00am.

MAP Competitions 2023-24:

#1 January 20th @ New Bedford

#2 Febuary 10th @ Mass Maritime Academey

#3 March 9th @ Lawerence 

PT Homework

Demonstration Videos

Push Ups

Arms have to be parelle to the floor, you do not have to do chest-to-floor

Curl Ups

Arms must touch thighs with shoulder blades hitting the ground

Pull Ups

Flexed Arm Hang

V-Sit and Reach

Shuttle Run

At Home Work Outs 









