By enrolling in JROTC, are you joining the military?

 No, there is no commitment to serve in the armed forces if a student goes through the high school JROTC program.

What does JROTC stand for?

JROTC stands for Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps. It is a military regulated high school program whose purpose is to educate high school students in leadership roles while making them aware of the benefits of citizenship. The mission of JROTC is to motivate young people to become better American citizens. most enroll in college.  However, some of our students do elect to join one of the military services.  If they do join, they enter the service with an accelerated promotion which means an immediate $350.00 monthly raise.

What can students expect to learn by taking JROTC?

What do I get out of taking JROTC?

How much does JROTC cost? 

JROTC is at a minimal cost for cadets! The uniforms are at no cost to cadets but cadets are expected to dry clean their uniforms. Cadets who want to participate in JCLC  will have to pay a $45 fee. Also, cadets on the teams will have to bring or buy food on their own during competitions. Our annual military ball tickets will also come at a TBD price! Cadets can reduce their military ball tickets by earning money from our Battalion Krispy Kreme Sale! 

Are cadets required to wear a uniform?

 Yes!  After earning a uniform at the beginning of their first year, cadets are required to wear the Army Service Uniform once a week as instructed by SAI or AI. The uniform is provided by the military and will be custom-fitted to each cadet as needed. The uniform consists of a pair of trousers, shoes, black socks, a shirt, a black belt and buckle, and a garrison cap. Cadets can gain ribbons for their accomplishments throughout the school year.  It is considered an honor to wear the uniform and cadets wear it with pride. Cadets apart of JROTC teams wear the uniform more often for events and competitions. The OCP Uniforms are worn by the Cadet STAFF and cadets apart of the PT, Academics, or Raiders Team. 

Where do I start?

Our Red Raider Battalion is partnered with the High School of Commerce and Springfield Honors Academy. If you currently attending (or are going to attend) either of these schools you can go join JROTC! First-Year students (of any grade level) will go into your school's LET 1 class. Talk to your counselor or contact us to see if JROTC fits into your schedule!  

Do I have to join the class if I want to do the after-school teams? Do I have to join the after-school teams if I join the class?

No and no! Cadets are able to join the teams whether or no your enrolled into the class and cadets aren't obligated to joining the afterschool teams if they do the class! Though many cadets are in both the teams and class and enjoy it!