
Look at the menu for more information on specified teams or click on the links!

Drill  Season

Drill Team 

MAP  Season


PT Team 

*We do not offer marksmanship yet

Raiders  Season

Raiders Season 


Different teams are divided into 'Unarmed', and 'Armed' categories. The teams (both unarmed and armed) are New Cadets (only for LET 1's), Regulation, Color Guard, Inspection, Exhibition, and Duo Exhibition.


There are three teams in MAP season (Marksmanship, Academics, and PT) but we only offer Academics and PT. Academics consist questions of two sections (Leadership and Academics), and PT with 5 physical fitness events (Push Ups, Curl Ups, V-Sit, Shuttle Run, and/or Flexed-Arm Hang (females) and Pull Ups (males)


Raiders is an athletic competition that test out the physical and mental limits of each cadet of a team, and the team as a whole. There are 6 events, Rope-Bridge, Gauntlet, First Aid/Litter Carry, Land Nav, 3km Run, and a physical challenge.