JROTC Cadets have an opportunity to practice leadership skills, team building, and adventure training in a hands-on military environment. JCLC is 5 days (including overnights) and is located at Fort Devens, Massachusetts. Female and Male Cadets will have separate bedrooms/bathrooms. Transportation will be provided, with a maximum amount of 20 cadets able to attend. Cadets are organized into 4 different companies: Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, and Delta (not available for first-years). Those companies are then split into 2 platoons where they will complete activities with each other. Cadets will be put into leadership positions (i.e. squad leader, platoon sergeant, platoon leader, etc.) and will be evaluated on their leadership skills by the cadre.  During the 5 days cadets will have a day of Rapelling and LRC (Leadership Reaction Course), Marksmanship where cadets will safely learn to use an air rifle the addition to a trip to a Museum to learn American History, a day in the lake (with life jackets and lifeguards) consisting of kayaking, canoeing and Sugar Cookies (the act of dipping yourself into the water and rolling on to the sand giving the cadet a "Sugar Cookie" appearance, volleyball at night, etc.


Fee: $TBD



Water Day:

Cadets will be provided the OCP Uniform, LBE's (with the addition of 2 water jugs), 

Cadets will need to bring