April 7

April 7 Update

National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) - Online Courses

Baseball Alberta will be offering NCCP courses online for coaches. The schedule is available on the NCCP course listing website (linked above). The schedule is as follows:

Initiation Coach Clinic - April 14 @ 5:30 PM
Planning Clinic - April 15 @ 5:30 PM
Absolutes Clinic - April 16 @ 5:30 PM
Teaching and Learning Clinic - April 21 @ 5:30 PM
Pitching and Catching Clinic - April 22 @ 5:30 PM
Strategies Clinic - April 23 @ 5:30 PM

Coach education platform - Inlyten

Inlyten (pronounced "enlighten"). This is a new coaching education course that SPMBA has offered our coaches for this year. The course was created by Dan Keller, of Dugout Captain fame. Inlyten focuses on coaching each fundamental of baseball, primarily geared to youth baseball. We have invested in this platform as a way to provide our coaches with free additional learning opportunities, but have found that it will be worthwhile for everyone to check out! Reach out to me at baseballdevelopment@spmba.ca for a login code to sign up. We are currently in the middle of a course, but everything is available online to you at sign up. This login will also give you access to the second course, available on April 15, 2020.

Need some baseball to watch? - Lotte Giants (Busan, South Korea)

If you're in need of live baseball, the Lotte Giants, based out of Busan, South Korea, are broadcasting their spring training and intrasquad games on YouTube. Many of their broadcasts will begin around 8:00/8:30/9:00 PM MDT. Hit their subscribe button and the bell icon to get notifications when they go live. Their YouTube channel is available at Giants TV. Check out their video from April 5 below:

Yours in baseball,

Coach Jared Lovie
Baseball Development Lead
Sherwood Park Minor Baseball Association