Deacon Dave Turner

Mobile: 07777 646965


Deacon Dave was ordained to the Diaconate on July 9th 2011 by Bishop Kieran Conry. His ministry has subsequently lead mainly on the ‘on-call’ Catholic Hospital Chaplaincy were he is also an NHS Bank Chaplain for the PRH. Dave’s year group studied part-time for three years at Wonersh. They were the first group to undertake the foundation degree course in Pastoral Ministry and graduated with merit at St Mary’s University, Twickenham. Just prior to ordination he took early retirement from an engineering career with BT spanning close to 42 years, beginning in 1969 when it was the GPO shortly before becoming the Post Office Corporation (Telecommunications Division). Dave achieved his City & Guilds Full Technological Certificate. 

HCPT has featured large in Deacon Dave’s life since the early 70s which began by volunteering at Leyden House which was another charity formed by Dr (Br) Michael Strode. It was through this that he met his lovely wife Barbara. They will be celebrating 40 years of marriage which has produced two wonderful daughters who mercifully take after their mother.