
Baptism Preparation at St Paul’s – 2024

This section explains having your baby or young child (under 7) baptised at St Paul’s.

We run 5 baptism preparation courses a year and hold a group baptism roughly every month at

12.30 on a Sunday (dates below). You must do the course to have your first child baptised here. 

If you have more children you must repeat the course unless you are a regular Mass-attender.

For adults or older children please contact the parish office and they will give you more information.

We will be holding a special baptism service for children in the First Holy Communion programme in

January 2025 which will have 1 preparation session. Dates to be confirmed.

The first thing you need to do is contact the Parish Secretary, 

Marie Broderick (01444 450139 

She will book you into the programme.

For other questions contact Deacon Paul (07941 473475

Here are the steps:

1. Preparation Session 1. This is a group session held in St Augustine’s Room on a Sunday at 2pm. It

lasts about 45 minutes. This session covers the symbols and meaning of the Welcome Service, a brief

discussion about Godparents, and an introduction to the parish for those who are new. The session

is run by Deacon Paul and his wife Helen.

2. Preparation Session 2. This session will look at some of the practicalities and challenges of raising

a child in the Catholic faith. It is run by Deacon Paul and Helen and usually has the help of some

volunteers who can keep older children busy with colouring while adults participate.

3. Welcome. This is a short section at the beginning of a Mass. You can attend either 9am or 11am

Mass. At the Welcome the child’s parent(s) will bring him or her to the front. There are some short

prayers, and parent(s) will be asked what name they have chosen. The priest or deacon will welcome

the child into the Church and they, and parent(s) will make the sign of the cross on the child and

anoint the child with oil.

4. Preparation Session 3. This is a group session held in St Augustine’s room on Sunday at 2pm. This

session covers the symbols and meanings of the Baptism itself and we usually go into the church so

we can answer questions about practical arrangements.

5. Baptism Service. Group baptism at 12.30pm on a Sunday.

6. Ongoing accompaniment and family formation is on offer. Baptism is the start of a journey with

the church and we are building up ways to support families with young children.

2024 Dates for preparation programme

There will also be group baptisms on 28th January, 25th February, 14th April, 16th June, 22nd September and 24th November.


How much does it cost?

Baptism preparation and the service itself are completely free of charge.

However, if you are able to give a donation towards the church’s upkeep that would be very much appreciated. We suggest between £25-£50 per family.  There will be a collection basket (with contactless card-reader) available at the end of the service for any donation you may wish to give.

Do I have to bring my child to the preparation sessions?

No. But they are very welcome if you choose to bring them.

Can I have more than one child baptised at once?

Yes, that’s fine. But if one of them is 7 or older they will need to be baptised separately through the First Holy Communion programme.

What if my child has a disability or additional needs?

Please contact Deacon Paul and he will talk to you to find out the best ways we can make it work for your family.

How accessible is St Augustine’s room for those with prams or mobility problems?

Unfortunately it is not very accessible, sorry. The usual access is up a set of steps at the rear of church opposite the pre-school. 

However, it is normally possible to use the church’s ramp and enter through the church itself. Alternatively we will help you up the steps.

Is there a toilet?

Yes, and a baby changing table.

Do I/we have to do the preparation sessions again for a second/third child?

Yes, unless you attend Mass regularly.

One of us is not Catholic/does not have a faith?

No problem, you are very welcome. Please participate as much as you feel comfortable. Deacon Paul’s wife isn’t Catholic either and is very happy to chat if you have questions.


You can have godparents for your child if you want, yes, but they are not compulsory. One of them must be a baptised, confirmed Catholic. Any others must be baptised Christians. Godparent(s) take part in the Baptism service but not the Welcome although they can attend the Welcome, of course, if they want to. The Godparents’ role is primarily to support the parents in raising the child in the Christian faith.

What will be Baptism service be like?

It takes place at 12.30pm, lasts about half an hour and there will be several families there with their guests. Some you will recognise from the preparation sessions and some may have done a different set of preparation.

There will be short Bible readings and a short Homily. There can be music and singing and it may be livestreamed for any of your guests who are unable to attend.

You will need a white garment to drape around your child at one point in the service – a cardigan, shawl or blanket works well. There are no rules about what your child wears apart from that.

If your child is a baby you will hold him or her over the font and the priest or deacon will pour water over their head three times. The water is warmed up. For toddlers and older children we will ask what would work best for your child – there is a step we can use if the best option is for your child to lean over themselves.

What if my child cries?

We don’t mind at all. Children cry and shout, it is a fact of life. All we ask is that if you have mobile babies or toddlers that you watch them so that they remain safe.

Is there a certificate?

Yes, you will be given a certificate with your child’s name and details of their baptism. Keep it safe, you will need it later if you decide to apply to a Catholic school or for future sacraments. You will also be given a candle and certificates for any Godparents.

What if I can’t make all of preparation sessions?

If you can’t make a Session  you can book on a later course’s Session if there is space. You do need to do them in the correct order though (Session 1 followed by Session 2 then 3).

What if I can’t make those dates for the Welcome or Baptism?

You can join another one later in the year.

School application timings?

Primary school applications go in on 15th January of the year your child will start school. The priest will usually sign school forms in December/January after Masses in special sessions. You will be asked to produce your child’s baptism certificate at that point and if you don’t have it you will be a lower priority for school admission. 

The local school, St Joseph’s, is currently full with long waiting lists so if you are thinking about Catholic education it would be worth making sure that your child is baptised at least 1 year before they would start school.