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ThingamajigJT25 Rehearsal Calendar

Performance Venue


Project Lead: Steve Ackerman


Friday, January 24th 5:00pm

Saturday, January 25th 1:00pm

Sunday, January 26th 9:00am

Approximate Run Time: 40 minutes


Open Eye Theatre
506 East 24th  Street #3732
Minneapolis, MN 55404


Open Eye Theatre in Minneapolis is highly respected and world-renowned for its innovative approach to puppetry, storytelling, and visual theater, blending traditional puppetry techniques with contemporary themes and experimental narratives, creating unique and engaging performances that resonate with audiences of all ages. Its intimate performance space fosters a close connection between the performers and the audience, enhancing the emotional impact of its productions. 

Open Eye is excited to partner with a group of 20-24 SPCPA students to create an entirely new theatrical work. Drawing on Open Eye’s world-class expertise, this immersive project will allow young artists to explore the magic of visual theater while developing their storytelling skills in a hands-on, collaborative environment. 

Thingamajig Acting Audition.pdf

Thingamajig - Acting Audition Side

  This Project Needs:  

VISUAL ARTISTS (puppetry & object theatre)




PHOTOGRAPHER (see Capture the Project for details)

Auditions: Tuesday, October 29th and Wednesday, October 30th

Audition Requirements:

More information forthcoming here, via email, and/or your department chair.