Sign Up for Your Projects!

Use the form at the bottom of the page to choose

the THREE J-Term projects you are most interested in.

Sign-Up Deadline: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22 by 12:00PM (NOON)

A few things to keep in mind: 

1. You are not ranking your choices.

2. Your three choices are the only choices you will be considered for.

We will make every effort to place you in one of your three choices.

3. You will only be allowed to submit this form once,

but you will get a copy of your choices sent to the email you submit on the form.



Read each project's information and make sure you know:

1. What the project is about and who the project leaders are

2. The location where rehearsals are taking place

3. When you need to be at rehearsals (each project has a unique rehearsal schedule)

4. How you are getting to and from rehearsals (bus, carpool, etc.)

Complete the J-Term 2025 Sign-Up Form!

Read through & complete the entire form before submitting!

You only get to fill it out once!