The School of Promise

Hope International Schools (HIS) is actively working to break the cycle of poverty and oppression in Thailand through the development of the School of Promise (SOP), an excellent school rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The School of Promise is located in Hang Dong, Thailand, where we seek to be God's tools for meeting spiritual and temporal needs within the community. Roughly half of our students receive full tuition scholarships, as they are at risk for human trafficking and other poverty-related forms of oppression.

Operating within the Thai education system, the school is bilingual, with classes taught in English and Thai. The proficiency that students gain in both languages will give them unique advantages in future life. Students at the School of Promise also enjoy the benefits of small class sizes and student centered teaching methods. They learn from Christian teachers who truly love them and who share God's love with them inside and outside of the classroom.

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Also, our Facebook page is chock full of pictures and prayers for the School of Promise.

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