
Financial Responsibility

"Over 98% of the total income to HIS from May 2019 to April 2020 was passed directly to the Ministry in Thailand."

We want you to know where money given to HIS goes. As such, you will find a Statement of Profit and Loss on this page. Please note that over 98% of the total income to HIS from May 2019 to April 2020 was passed directly to the ministry in Thailand.  The total was $272,788.75 ("Equipment Expense", which was Chromebook computers purchased in the U.S. and sent to Thailand, plus "School Supplies", plus "Operational Expense Thailand Ministry").

This income supported ministry staff of over 25 people, kept the School of Promise educating over 130 students, and helped publish Biblical textbooks and children's stories in the Thai language. We are proud to share how much our team can do with what they are given, and we want to thank our supporters for their faithful partnership in this ministry. Above all, we want to thank our heavenly Father for meeting our needs and using us to share His truth and love with children and their families in Thailand.

It is also worth noting that the School of Promise income from April 2019 - May 2020 was 61% donations and 39% tuition and fees.  During our current school year, these figures have flipped with roughly 60% of the school's operational expenses coming from tuition and fees.  Our goal is for the school to continue to gain greater financial self-sustainability until it can cover its own operation expenses within the next three years!

HIS P&L 2019.pdf

IRS 990 forms