Computer Programming Education for Children (CPEC- Japan)

About US

The new Courses of Study was announced by the MEXT (Japanese ministry of education), which contain the compulsory computer programming education at primary/elementary school from 2020.

Wile English education at elementary has been discussed and the heat seems to be calming down, programming education has not shown much progress.

OK, the existing elementary school teachers are familiar with English as they had received it at high school and university. So are the current university students in the elementary teachers license course. What about computer programming? --- None, so ever. They are likely in the opposite field of programming, computer science, engineer, technology or robotics.

Yes, we have talented engineers and computer science researchers in Japan. Now we have to combine the two - child education (pedagogy) & programming which will encourage children's newer and easier ways of thinking process.

We, "computer programming education for children" or CPEC, are formed with university students in engineering department, computer science department as well as child education department supported by IT related companies to find the best way to teach children with programming and beyond, through regular discussion and experimental classes with children.

You are always welcome to join us if you are interested in the future of children.


  • 25 and 26 Aug - Programming class for kids in Ikebukuro, Tokyo. The details are coming soon.

How to join

Please send us your query from here: enquiry form