At Smithdon High School, students can opt to study Physical Education as part of their GCSE qualifications that begin in Year 10. Students will study the Pearson Edexcel GCSE PE 2016 (1PE0) course.

The course is a combination of theoretical content and practical assessment.

The theoretical content is worth 60% of the course as is assessed through 2 examinations during the summer exam season of Year 11.

Paper 1 is titled 'Fitness and Body Systems' and is a 90 mark ,1 hour and 45 minute examination paper. It covers the following topics: Applied Anatomy and Physiology, Movement Analysis and Physical Training.

Paper 2 is titled 'Health and Performance' and is a 70 mark, 1 hour and 15 minute examination paper. It covers the following topics: Health Fitness and Well-being, Sport Psychology and Socio-Cultural Factors.

Information about each examination paper and topic can be found using the links on the GCSE PE course information sub page above.

The practical content is worth 40% of the overall grade and has 2 parts to the assessment.

  1. Practical performance (30% of the qualification) - Students need to be assessed in their participation in 3 competitive practical sports. There is a wide range of sports that students can be assessed in, the full list can be found on the specification tab. Students must be assessed in at least 1 individual sport and 1 team sport with the 3rd sport being a free choice.

For each activity students will be awarded marks for performing skills in isolation (10 marks) and demonstrating their skills in competitive/ team performances (25 marks) providing a m ark out of 35 for each activity with a final practical mark out of 105 marks for all 3 activities.

  1. Personalised Exercise Programme (10% of the qualification) - Students will plan, undertake, analyse and evaluate their own 6 week personalised exercise programme. This is a 1500 word written document completed on a sport of their choice. It is worth 20 marks and is assessed in the following areas: Aim and Planning Analysis, Carrying Out and Monitoring the PEP, Evaluation of the PEP.

Details of all the course specification, requires and topic booklets can be found on the GCSE PE Course information sub-page above.