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*Half (0.5) Credit Course


Music Course Offerings


BAND 1 – 087123 

This course is designed to help individual players who have not had extensive previous musical experience. Students are ready to participate in the marching band, but are not ready to participate in Band 2. Fundamentals are stressed, and ensemble experience is provided when instrumentation permits. 

BAND 2 (ADVANCED) – 087133 

This course is designed for students who have had previous instrumental experiences and are ready to participate in the concert band. Performance materials reflect a variety of musical styles, historical contexts, and theoretical pursuits and are designed to build technical facility. 


This course is designed for students who play string instruments found in a traditional orchestra. Performance materials reflect a variety of musical styles, historical contexts, and theoretical pursuits and are designed to build technical facility. 


This course is designed to provide the training and experience for advanced vocal students who have had school and/or community choral experiences. This course provides small ensemble experience for students interested in performing choral music which includes multiple parts. The course includes greater emphasis on period study. Most of the music is a cappella. Emphasis is placed on quality public performance. 

CHORUS 1 – 085103 

This course is a preparatory course for Chorus 2/Chamber Singers and is designed to teach vocal techniques, music history, basic music theory, and music reading skills. Students work occasionally on an individual basis with the instructor. Students perform for and listen to each other to help the overall quality of the performing chorus. 

CHORUS 2 – 085113 

Students will be auditioned for this performing group. The focus will be to enhance students’ vocal techniques, understanding of music theory, and music reading skills. Various styles of music will be studied. The course is geared toward the attainment of quality performances. 

CLASS VOICE – 089433 

This course is designed for students who want to improve their solo voice. It includes basic vocal techniques, music history, basic music theory, music reading skills, and a variety of vocal literature. Students will work with the instructor on both an individual and small group basis. 

GUITAR 1 - 082203

This year-long one credit course is designed for students with no previous guitar experience. Students will receive guidance and direction in solving problems related to playing the guitar at a beginning level and will learn many of the different styles, skills, and techniques required to become a successful guitarist. Areas of concentration include: correct posture, note reading, aural skills, finger style, flat-picking, singing songs, rhythmic patterns, chord study, finger-picking styles, musical forms, improvisation, and performing experiences. 

GUITAR 2 - 082213 

This year-long one credit course is designed for students with some guitar experience. Students will receive guidance and direction in solving problems related to playing the guitar at an intermediate level and will continue to learn many of the different styles, skills, and techniques required to become a successful guitarist. Areas of concentration include: playing from standard notation reading pitch, rhythm, meter, articulation, dynamics and other elements of music; playing from lead sheets using chord symbols; reading rhythms with note values including whole notes through sixteenth notes and their corresponding rests; playing in simple triple, duple and quadruple meters; reading key signatures; playing movable barre chords; extended ranges to eighth fret; perform PIMA arpeggiated studies; strum intermediate-level syncopated rhythms; play flat picking and finger picking techniques; playing swing rhythms; and playing power chords. 


Independent Study Music is designed for advanced students who wish to pursue individualized course work beyond the school day. All work is supervised by a member of the music department. Students must complete a minimum of 132 hours of supervised activities for each 1 unit of credit and submit a minimum of two projects as determined by the student and the instructor. (A maximum of six units of elective credit may be earned through independent study and/or work study programs while in high school.) 


This course will introduce students to technology used in the music industry for the

production and performance of music. This will include but is not limited to, different cabling,

microphones, electronic instruments, digital audio workstations, and digital/analog mixing.

Students will learn about how to record live instruments as well as how to create, produce, and

mix their own compositions. The class will culminate with a final full composition that includes

multiple tracks, electronic and acoustic mixing, and post-production techniques.

JAZZ BAND – 087133 

This course is designed for more advanced instrumentalists who are members of one of the band programs. Music of the 1920s through current jazz is discussed and performed. Performances are given each semester.

JAZZ BAND – 087133 

This course is designed for more advanced instrumentalists who are members of one of the band programs. Music of the 1920s through current jazz is discussed and performed. Performances are given each semester.


This course is designed for students who have had some previous instrumental experiences and are ready to participate in the marching band. Performance materials reflect a variety of musical styles and are designed to build technical facilities, while marching. Students participate in local and regional competitions. 


This course is an introduction to music in chronological and geographical music history from prehistoric times to modern day. Students will examine music from a cultural-studies approach; examining the ways that western music reflects the time, place, and culture in which it was produced. Students will gain an understanding of the elements of music theory that are used during the compositional process. Additionally, students will study the lives and compositional techniques of famous composers representing the different eras of music. Students will be assessed on knowledge-based concepts. This course will be principally textbook, and lecture-based. 


This year-long one-credit course is designed to promote and develop musical performance on various percussion instruments. Including but not limited to snare drum, drum set, timpani, marimba, and percussion instruments from other cultures. The students will study and apply percussion performance concepts, to several different styles of music, from classical to music of native origin. The class is open for beginning to advanced students.


This course is designed to promote and develop musical performance on various percussion instruments. Including but not limited to snare drum, drum set, timpani, marimba, and percussion instruments from other cultures. The students will study and apply percussion performance concepts, to several different styles of music, from classical to music of native origin. The class is open for beginning to advanced students.

PIANO CLASS – 082103 

This course is designed to teach students skills necessary to play the piano. Music reading skills, technical skill development, basic music theory, and historical perspectives are stressed. Performing opportunities are provided at least twice during the school year. 

PIANO ENSEMBLE – 082101,082102

This course is designed to teach students skills necessary to play the piano. Music reading skills, technical skill development, basic music theory, and historical perspectives are stressed. Performing opportunities are provided at least twice during the school year.


The class is for instrumental students wishing to challenge themselves to higher levels of music performance. Music literature will be selected to advance the skill level of the students while advancing their knowledge of instrument repair and maintenance. Students will perform in a recital each semester. These recitals will include at least one solo and one ensemble performance by each student. Students will be expected to participate in the District IV Solo and Ensemble Festival and at the state level, if appropriate. 


This course is designed to assist individual players who have not had extensive previous orchestra experience. Fundamentals are stressed and ensemble experience is provided as instrumentation permits. Performance experience is provided. 


This course is designed for the development of the male voice. It includes basic vocal techniques, music history, basic music theory, and music reading skills. Students work occasionally on an individual basis with the instructor. Many styles of music are studied and performed. 

THEORY 1 – 081123 

This course is recommended for students who wish to improve their understanding of music fundamentals, tonal harmony, music history, and ear training. Part writing and composition are introduced in the second semester. 

TREBLE CHOIR – 084103 

This course is designed for the development of the female voice. It includes basic vocal techniques, music history, basic music theory, and music reading skills. Students work occasionally on an individual basis with the instructor. Many styles of music are studied and performed. 


The goal of the Advanced Placement Music Theory course is to develop a student’s ability to recognize, understand, and describe the basic materials and processes of music that are heard or presented in a score. Components of this course include the development of notation skills, knowledge of terminology, performance skills, aural skills, composition skills, and analytical skills. Students should be aware that not all colleges grant credit for qualifying grades on the Advanced Placement examination, although over 400 institutions do grant credit.