Media Arts

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Media Art Course Offerings


DIGITAL ART 1 – 065203

This is an advanced course in the study of commercial art careers, such as advertising design, commercial illustration, publication design, and graphic design. Students study the principles of design to create projects that they would be tasked within the potential career fields such as lettering, posters, and layout. Students study the software and hardware used to create commercial art such as Adobe Illustrator and the printing processes. The course will culminate in students having a portfolio of digital and traditional art that reflects their skills that can be used to apply for college or a job.

DIGITAL ART 2 - 065213

This is an advanced course in the study of commercial art careers, such as advertising design, commercial illustration, publication design, and graphic design. Students continue the study of the principles of design to create projects that they would be tasked within the potential career fields such as lettering, posters, and layout. Students will continue their study of the software and hardware used to create commercial art such as Adobe Illustrator and the printing processes. The course will culminate in students having a portfolio of digital and traditional art that reflects their skills that can be used to apply for college or a job. 


In this course, students learn the principles of design and typography. Students will explore graphic design history, along with the latest in design technologies as they learn to create compelling visual communication. This is a project-based class that will cover the following topics: principals and elements of design, color theory, typography and text effects, creation of print advertisements, editing and retouching images, logo design, and print design layouts for posters, newspapers, and magazines. Students will create a digital portfolio to showcase their work. This elective course satisfies the Fine Arts education credit required for graduation.

PHOTOGRAPHY 1 – 069013

Students will explore photography as an artistic medium both in the initial composing of the visual image during shooting as well as in processing. Processing of the print may be in the form of traditional developing and/or digital manipulation. Students will learn to use a 35mm camera and/or digital camera to influence the final image by manipulating camera settings. In digital photography, students will gain an understanding of digital photography, current computer technology, and digital developing. They will gain an understanding of photographic principles such as the reaction of light on film and photographic paper and how various techniques can be creatively employed to achieve a variety of effects. In traditional photography, students will learn to process negatives and print black and white photographs. After learning and experimenting with processes, students will be given assignments to solve visual problems. Critiques will be held to discuss and share ways in which individuals have approached and solved these problems. Students will explore the medium through the effective use of the elements and principles of art.

During the course, students will be expected to complete written assignments on the history of photography and formal art criticisms of well-known photographs. Students will need to have a basic background in computer operating systems for digital photography. 

PHOTOGRAPHY 2 – 069023

This is an advanced course in digital and film single-lens reflex photography. Students will explore the technical, artistic, and commercial aspects of photography. This course will allow students to expand their photographic aptitude and aesthetic responsiveness while learning techniques to advance their work and build a greater understanding of the more complex functions of the single reflex camera. Students will explore the history of the photographic medium, learning about its scientific and technological developments, important innovations in the field, and its significance within diverse cultural frameworks. Students will explore the significance of photography within the larger context of the art world, and learn about the critical and varied application it has to the modern working world. Class time will enable students to work on independent and cooperative explorations. Students will prepare a portfolio of work to exhibit and at the completion of the course. The course stresses the development of a cohesive body of work, with the final goal of a series of project-based photographs.


This course introduces students to podcasting, Internet radio, sound effects and audio theater. Students will experience hands-on learning in radio announcing, scriptwriting, voice acting, sound effects and audio editing. A variety of industry-standard programs and equipment will be used to create projects. No prior experience is required. This course may be taken for one or both semesters. 

COURSE NOTE: This course satisfies the Fine Arts education credit required for graduation.


During this course, students will explore the history of television and mass communication. Using online resources and content from the textbooks The Broadcast Century and Beyond: A Biography of American Broadcasting and Television Production & Broadcast Journalism, students will study the technology to broadcast audio and video images throughout the world. This will include cable, satellite, specialized antennas, fiber optic/copper cable systems, and Internet distribution. All career areas from pre-production, production, and post-production will be explored. Scheduling, technical management, script development as well as a variety of production formats - news, documentaries, interviews, education, comedy, games, etc. will be studied. Field trips, guest speakers, and multimedia experiences may be part of the course.


During this course, students will apply their knowledge and skills in the three phases of production: pre-production, production, post-production. A detailed review and application of the steps for television production will be accomplished. Students will be required to plan and create a wide variety of authentic video productions using identification of the purpose, analyzing the audience and determining required elements, such as production value, schedule, personnel, location, wardrobe, set requirements, etc. Using online resources and content from the textbook Television Production & Broadcast Journalism, instruction will include obtaining permits, legal issues, video inserts, photos, and graphic design needs. As part of the local cable company agreement with St. Mary’s County Public Schools, a Public, Educational & Governmental (PEG) access station is located at the Dr. James A. Forrest Career and Technology Center and programmed by the school system’s Digital Media Team. This allows students to work with the team on actual school system productions. Students may also work on productions for community groups. Students will focus on a number of related career pathways. Students will be engaged with “state of the art” technology for this industry.

NOTE: A Fine Arts credit is earned with the successful completion of the TV/Video Production Pathway if a Fine Arts credit is needed.