
Our Unit Calendar

Here you'll find a calendar and spread out of all our events throughout the year. Please be advised that this calendar is regularly updated with new events, so please be sure to double-check frequently to make sure you have dates and events correctly.

Below the calendar, you'll find information regarding how to sign up for events, as well as procedure if you'd like to volunteer/chaperone.


6/15-22 LEADERSHIP ACADEMY - with Captain and LA Cadets

Captain is out of the office with limited connectivity so contact will be sparse. 

6/19-22 SAIL ACADEMY - with Captain and Sail Cadets

Captain will be attending for the entirety. 

6/18-23 BOYS/GIRLS STATE - with Boys and Girls State Cadets

Girls will be held at Salisbury University and Boys at McDaniel College.

How do I participate?

For Cadets: some events, such as Athletic and Orienteering Meets, have no requirements to attend; however, events such as Overnight Field Trips and our Military Ball may require some conditions to be met. 

ALL Cadets must have a complete Enrollment Packet in order to participate in events within the Unit.

For Parents: to chaperone on our field trips, please see below for more information!