
Classroom counseling lessons will follow ASCA National Standards and support the learning, teaching and practicing of CPCS's CRABS Virtues and Executive Functioning Skills.  Lessons are data-driven and provided to all students.

Lesson slide decks and resources will be posted after they are taught this year.

March Focus: Always Persevere  - “I can be patient and stay focused on my goals.” 

Pri_March_Always Persevere

K-2: Goal Setting and Making Progress

Students  identify goals that they have for themselves and through reading and discussing The Thing Lou Couldn't Do students will visualize one or more strategies for continuing to work toward their goals. 

January Focus: Compassion - "I respect the lives and space of others and I expect the same in return."

JAN_Pri Compassion_Talk it Out.pptx

K-2 - The Sandwich Swap: Swapping conflict for I-Messages

Students shared about their favorite sandwiches and then listened to a Read Aloud of the story, The Sandwich Swap. In this story, it's differences of tastes that lead two friends to realize that it's important to be curious instead of critical when someone may not like or have some of the same things we do. Students then learned a strategy for sharing I-messages for times when students disagree with one another or have conflict: a strategy that the two main characters in our story could've tried and avoided a lot of trouble! 

December Focus: Self-Discipline - "I can calm and check-in with myself to find what I need and want."

K-2 DEC '24 Self Discipline Lesson

K-2 - Mindfulness and Breathing

Students listened to a read aloud of Mindful Monkey, Happy Panda and then practiced different animal breaths so that they could choose one to use during a moment of upset and then find calm. 

November Focus: Always Persevere - "I can keep my eyes on the end goal."

NOV K-2 Persevere Lesson

K-2 Career Exploration

Students participated in a thinking routine with Diego Rivera's Detroit Industry mural and then explored skills of various careers while selecting some and sorting into two categories: things I'm good at and things I like doing so that students can get an initial idea of possible careers they may be interested in.  

October Focus: Being Honest - "I can stand up for the truth and own my choices."

OCT K-2 Pig the Fibber


Pig the Fibber - Facts or fibs? 

OCT K-2 Pig the Fibber


Pig the Fibber - Facts or fibs? 

OCT K-2 Pig the Fibber


Pig the Fibber - Facts or fibs? 

September Focus: Compassion - "I care for myself and for others."

K - Sept - Recognizing Feelings


Recognizing Feelings in Myself and Others

1 - Sept - Whole Body Listening


Whole Body Listening

Sept_2nd Compassion Lesson


Compassion Yay? or Nay?