Student Services
Everyone needs a little help sometimes, which is why we offer a wide variety of services to get you from orientation to graduation.
Make a Guidance Appointment
Students wishing to make guidance appointments are asked to book their appointments through the Guidance Brightspace page.
Students are assigned a Counsellor via Surname
Surname A - F - Ms. Reid
Surname G - K - Ms. Verardi
Surname L-M - Ms. Poole
Surname N - Z - Mr. Koson
Brightspace Guidance Page
In order to ensure all information pertaining to post secondary, volunteer hours, timetable changes, guidance appointments etc.... is kept in one place, we have created Brightspace pages for each grade in order to distribute information. Students are automatically added to this page when they arrive at St. Peter's!
Career Stories
Seeking Scholarships @SkgScholarships posted information about a Series of Career Stories
Check out this new exciting series that explores various #careers by interviewing those in the field.
CAREER STORIES 1: Physiotherapist, Orthodontist, Judge, General Internist, R.N., Chiropractor, Film Director/Writer, Interior Designer, Hospitality Exec, & Accountant.
Virtual Library from the Learning Commons!!
Hey Panthers, Welcome to your new virtual library!
The new virtual library learning commons is here to provide an environment that engages meaningful learning through access to library resources that will support your achievement. With access 24/7, the St. Peter’s VLLC is a gateway to all sorts of resources and library services like:
Digital Library access through the Barrie Library for all students (E- books, Audio books, video, & music services)
Research Process and tools (organizers, research question development, Style Guides - MLA & APA, note taking, etc )
Plagiarism & citation information/tutorials
Digital tools like myBib, desmos & knowledgehook
Google classroom and Brightspace tutorials.
Our mission is to provide a virtual space where students and teachers are welcome to learn, discover, collaborate, and create. “Never stop learning because life never stops teaching” - Unknown.