Welcome to St. Peter's!

Make the most of your time here.  It goes fast!!  

Take advantage of the opportunities and all of the resources that you need. 

Always ask for help

We are Family!

Welcome to the Jungle!!

Administration Team

Ms. K. McNamara  Principal

Mr. MacFadden 

Vice Principal 

Surnames A - L

Ms. Cinnamon 

Vice Principal

Surnames  M - Z

Ms. McDonald  

Acting Vice Principal 

Administrative Office Assistants

Back Left to Right

 Ms. Tyrell, Ms. Beauparlant (Attendance, Bus Lists)

Front Left to Right

Ms. Balugas (Main Office Sr. Administative)

Mrs. T. Lemieux (Guidance)

Ms. Spataro (Health and Safety)

Student Support Team

Ms. Reid   Academic / Guidance Counselor

Surnames A - F

Ms. Verardi Academic/ Guidance Counsleor 

Surnames G-K

Student Success

 Mrs. Poole Academic / Guidance Counselor

Surnames L -M 

Student Success

Mr. Koson - Academic / Guidance Counselor

Surnames N - Z

Mr. Souilliere     Co Operative Education

Ms. Lemay

Chaplaincy Team Leader

Ms. Purvis - Special Education Resource Teacher (SERT) 

Grade 9 & 11

Ms. Sue Bin - Special Education Resource Teacher (SERT)

Grade 10 & 12 

Ms. O'Brien - Special Needs

Specialist High Skills Major Leads

Ms. McDonald  Arts SHSM

Mr. Desrochers  Business SHSM

Ms. Lemay       Leadership SHSM

Ms. Oliver      Information
Communicatoin Technology SHSM

Ms. Zuke          Sports SHSM

Ms. Poirier      Travel and Tourism SHSM

Mental Health Support Staff

Mary Katherine     Charters

First Nation Metis Inuit Counsellor

Alyssa Newark

Mental Health & Addictions Nurse

Maeghan Kirkley

School Counsellor

Candace Demick

New Path


School Day is a cashless and paperless system that our school uses for communicating important information. Parents/Guardians receive school announcements on upcoming events, information on field trips, approval of forms electronically, payment of any products and booking parent/teacher interview appointments. 

Parents/Guardians must register for School Day using the Secure Key Code that will be provided by the school within the first two weeks of school. 

It only takes a few minutes to log into a computer and the PARENT/GUARDIAN needs to create an account NOT the student. After the account is created, the student can be added with the Secure Key Code that will be provided.  In a split family, both parents/guardians can create their own accounts and use the same Student Secure Key Code provided.

If you do not have a computer, please stop by the main office and we can assist you.  This can also be done at a library, other family member’s homes etc.

If you have not provided us with an email address, please do so.

Lastly, please note that if your child is coming from any feeder school within our Board, they will automatically be rolled over if you have created this account at their previous school.  For any other student coming from a non-feeder school this account will need to be set up.

Stay Connected 

School Website

School App

School Messenger

Receive voicemail, emails and texts from the school 


Petey Panther



Snap Chat




Panther Community Connect