Envisioning Life On Campus


*Update: approximately 73% of course sections will be held in person.

To report non-compliance with the Interim Mask Policy, call 1-877-525-5669 (or confidentially via the Integrity Hotline's website) at http://www.lighthouse-services.com/slu.

In academic spaces where removal of furniture is not possible, red and green stickers will be placed to indicate where students should and should not sit to allow for physical distancing. Some lecture halls may also have roped off rows or sections.

Shuttles between North Campus and South Campus plan to be available to students with a mask requirement and potential changes in capacity and scheduling. SLU knows that many students rely on this transportation and will use CDC guidelines as a bare minimum in ensuring shuttles are as safe as possible.

If a student needs to quarantine or isolate due to COVID-19 and they are asymptomatic, they are expected to inform their professor that they need to attend class virtually until they are cleared to return in-person. If a student is symptomatic and tests positive, they will have to isolate and inform their professor if they are able to continue classwork virtually.