Sense and Sensibility

MAY 19 – 20, 2023

Based on Jane Austen's first novel, Sense and Sensibility follows Elinor and Marianne Dashwood after their father's death, as they move to a new home. The girls strive for love, though the situations for love continually change. 

Creative team

Artistic Director: Noelle Eben

Creative Director: Charley Beck

Assistant Director: Emily Sincoff



Elinor Dashwood

A senior at SLOHS, Lindsay has spent many hours in this theatre and others around town. After years of acting in such roles as The Wizard (The Wizard of Oz) and Mrs. White (CLUE!), Irene Rudolph (Radium Girls), and many more, Smith has made found her passion in direction. Last year she directed Much Ado About Nothing (canceled due to COVID), and just recently stage-managed A Wrinkle in Time at SLO Rep. Smith serves as the current president of the SLOHS Performing Arts Co. On the rare occasion she is not busy with theatre she loves to read, listen to music, or draw. She hopes you enjoy the show!


Marianne Dashwood 

Sophie is a senior, and is thrilled to be apart of her fourth production with SLOHS Performing Arts Company. She has previously performed with SLOHS in Mamma Mia! (Sophie Sheridan), The Wizard of Oz (Aunt Em) and Radium Girls (Diane Roeder). Sophie has also spent many years performing with Coastal Youth Theatre. Past shows include Pirates of Penzance (Mabel), East of the Sun and West of the Moon (Lara), The Wizard of Oz, and West Side Story. She would like to thank Gavin, Hannah, and her family for always being there for her. Sophie likes to live by Marianne’s life motto, “always slaying and piano playing”. She encourages you to follow Marianne’s advice, and she hopes you enjoy the show!


Margaret Dashwood

Frida Vega is excited to be a part of this SLOHS theatre production! You may recognize her in roles such as the Scarecrow in The Wizard of Oz (SLOHS) and as Ms. Whatsit in A Wrinkle in Time at Slo Rep! In her free time, Frida likes to hone in her artistic abilities whether it be in drawing, singing, or dancing! Self taught, no lessons! Thank you very much, POP! She is thankful that you are here and hopes you enjoy the show!


Edward Ferrars

HELP! I’m trapped inside this Playbill! An addiction to gambling left me with crushing debt, eight broken ribs, and questionable confidence in a North American witch who would eventually curse me to remain inanimate words in Mark Rourke’s Sense & Sensibility cast bio. BUT NEVERTHELESS! If you do not spin around twice, say beetlejuice three times, put twenty dollars in this playbill, and hand it to Ms. Eben, I will be trapped foreverrrrrr!!!!!! But do so at your earliest convenience and please enjoy the show.


Colonel Brandon

Gavin Wren(12) - Gavin is a senior at SLOHS and Sense and Sensibility is his first show as an actor. Actually, he previously acted in SLOHS shows such as CLUE!, Wizard of Oz, Radium Girls, and Mamma Mia!, where he acted like he knew how to operate sound and lights. You thought he knew what he was doing? Well then you may be even more impressed by this performance. Gavin would like to thank his family for their constant support of his odd schedule and ongoing shenanigans. He will greatly miss this theater company and everyone involved in it that made this experience so wonderful. He hopes you enjoy his first and last acting performance at SLOHS!

P.S. it is definitely pronounced Call-o-nul


John Willoughby

This is Aidan’s 2nd show with the SLOHS Theatre Company. His first being Radium Girls in the fall, as the Business Bastard C.B. Lee. He would like to Freddie Freaker for being an outgoing source of inspiration and admiration. His little jig bringing happiness to his heart and soul.


Robert Ferrars Gossip 1Staff Thomas Palmer

This is Zoe's third time being included in a SLOHS production. They were previously a part of the Radium Girls tech crew, an ensemble in Mamma Mia!, and now Robert Ferrars in Sense and Sensibility. They'd like to thank their parents for being very supportive in trying this new art form and being flexible with play rehearsals.


Mrs. Dashwood

This is Kate's third show with the SLOHS Performing Arts Company. Recently, she performed in the ensemble of Mamma Mia! and played Mrs. Alma Macneil in Radium Girls. Before moving to California, Kate performed in multiple productions ranging from The Little Mermaid to Romeo and Juliet. She’d like to thank her family, good friends Aubrey and Mari, and all the cast and crew for supporting her in every way!


Fanny Dashwood

This is Jamie’s 2nd show with SLO high. She played Tanya in the school’s production of Mamma Mia. She very much appreciates all of her new friends and hopes to do more shows with this school. She’d also like to thank ms. Eben for her patience and tolerance of Jamie’s antics and nonstop talking!


John Dashwood Gossip 3Staff

Ok so Troy is basically playing a guy called John in the show. That’s pretty cool. Previously he played some other characters. In plays. By Slo High. Alrighty. He’s thankful for the fantastic direction and other students. They are very neat. As well as sensible he senses.


Mrs. Jennings 

This is Olivia Cusick’s final show with SLOHS PAC. Over the past two years she has the honor of running the front of house, and being in the annual 24-hour musical. Her first full production was the 2023 production of “Mamma Mia!” as a member of the ensemble. She would not be here without the support from the amazing cast and crew, as well as the most wonderful friends who support her in whatever way they can, and her mother for being the most amazing person. She is sad to say goodbye to SLOHS, but also so excited to see the future of this wonderful company. She hopes you enjoy the show, because she has been busy as bee working as Mrs. Jennings. Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz


Sir John Middleton 

Jude is a freshman, and is so thrilled to be back for his 4th show with SLOHS! Jude has been doing theatre since he was 7 years old and has loved everything performing ever since. You may have previously seen him as William Bailey in Radium Girls, Eddie in Mamma Mia, and Ryan in The 24 Hour Musical. He was also seen last December at SLO REP in A Christmas story as Ralphie. When his life is not consumed by rehearsals, he may be seen hanging out with his friends, procrastinating his homework, and rewatching New Girl for the 6th time. He would like to thank his parents for endless support, and chauffeuring him back and forth to rehearsals.


Lady MiddletonGossip 2 Staff

This is Aubrey’s 6th show at SLOHS performing arts. She has been previously seen ensemble of Mamma Mia!, Madame Curie, Doctor Martland and Elderly Widow in Radium Girls, Zeke in the 24 Hour Musical, Balthasar in Much Ado About Nothing, he her biggest role yet, tree #3 in The Wizard Of Oz (SLOHS Performing Arts). Outside of SLOHS Performing arts, she has seen as Scut Farkus in A Christmas Story (SLO Rep) and was recently seen in the SLO Cal Poly Film Festival as Clair in Boys Will Be Boys, Rowen in Cracked and Flynn the Fly in Between Bakery Walls. Aubrey will soon be seen in the Cal Poly One Act Festival as Hunt in Watergates: A Love Story and Bruce in A Top-Tier Encounter. Aubrey would like to thank her cousins for fueling her love for acting, and her best-friend for helping make theater the wonderful experience it has been.


Lucy Steele

This is Flannery's 8th show with SLOHS Performing Arts, and she has loved every second of it. You may have previously seen her in CLUE! (Chief of Police), The Wizard of Oz (Zeke), or Radium Girls as an assortment of five different people. You also may have seen her art around campus in various forms, most notably in posters like the one for this show! Her love for theater sparked from the inspiration of her brother, Evan, and continued with the support from her family, Owen, Piper, and Trevor. She would like to thank everyone for coming to support all of us time and time again, enjoy the show!


Anne SteeleGossip 5 Staff

Kai Kelly is in their second show at Slo High, as Anne Steele and a Gossip. Previously Kai Kelly was in Mamma Mia as an ensemble. Kai would like to thank all of their friends in theatre and their mom for helping spark their love of theatre.


Mrs. Ferrars Gossip 4 Staff

This is Rebecca's second performance with SLO Theater. Previously, she was in Mamma Mia as an ensemble member. Before dazzling onstage, she warmed hearts backstage as a member of the tech crew for Radium Girls, Wizard of Oz, and more. Many remember her for her roles as a Rock Lobster and the Night Sky in elementary school. Rebecca would like to thank her parents for her meals and for chauffeuring her around town. Shout out to Kassandra, who makes a mean muffin, and Joshua, who is great at Just Dance.



Artistic Director

Biography coming soon


Creative Director

Thank you so much for attending this production of Sense and Sensibility. With so short a rehearsal period (31 days!), I have been incredibly grateful for the phenomenal cast and crew that put this show together. Their tireless work and enthusiasm have been a beautiful inspiration to me. I could not have asked for a better group.

I would additionally like to extend the ultimate thanks to Ms. Eben for allowing me this opportunity. Her patient support and guidance have made my directorial debut a wonderful experience. Thank you to Lindsay Smith for inspiring me to take this on. Thank you to Mr. Robbins for his generosity and flexibility. Thank you to my wonderful parents for building sets, gathering furniture, and being a constant source of encouragement, and thank you to my sister; you are the Marianne to my Elinor, and I could not have done this without your support.

It says a lot about a piece of literature when one can still feel comfort and connection across centuries of separation. Centering on the relationship between Marianne and Elinor, this performance tells a story of love, heartbreak, misunderstandings, and the ever-strong bond between sisters. It is with the utmost excitement that I present it to you.

All my love and thanks,

Charley Beck


Assistant Director

This is Sincoff’s first ever directing endeavor! She is so excited to have gotten this opportunity. Being behind the scenes, instead of onstage, has been a very enlightening and educational experience, and she is so happy to have been able to work with someone as amazing as Charley Beck. It has been quite an stressful, but amazing and fun journey and she is so excited for everyone to the show! Enjoy!


Stage Manager


Technical DirectorTechnical Crew


Technical Crew


Technical Crew


Technical Crew


Technical Crew


Technical Crew


Technical Crew


Lighting Technician


Sound Operator


Microphone Technician